As I was watching the Schiff Sh_t Show yesterday, I realized that the cavalry is not coming to save the day. Really, there is no political solution to the problems that our elected officials have created and maintained.
The initial question to all of these “witnesses” should have been:
Dear Sir or Madam: Do you have any knowledge that Donald Trump committed a crime?
Then the Republicans will come back when the next witness is summoned to testify.
They would then all walk out of the hearing. Seriously, the Republicans’ questions at this hearing are pathetic. I have to wonder if they are actually supporting the impeachment and just putting on a show.
David DeGerolamo
Educate Yourself
Self-government is not possible unless the citizens are educated
sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight.
12 Steps to Reclaim Your Estate
Birthright Citizenship vs Corporate Slave Citizenship
Freedom From Servitude
If You Are Not Willing To Learn, No One Can Help You.
If You Are Determined To Learn, No One Can Stop You.
Thank you for posting this here. As we are better educated, we are better able to take on the task we are discussing here. TET.
Anna von Reitz is a NUT!
Thomas Dowling
There is a lot of New age, same as the old age witchcraft mumbo jumbo going on with her and many in her group.
Some of her research seems true, yet ‘her’ solutions just do not ring True.
383. A Stern Warning About “Satanic Ritual Abuse”
Is their something in particular in this article i am to see?
i can back up what i stated in my earlier comment.
i do not hate her, but there are many things wrong on her sites, including Paul Stramer who will just shut off any conversation if it gets uncomfortable for him or his fixed set of beliefs.
Have been wondering if you were ever going to engage.
It’s about the information … not the site.
You see, here is the same 1984 word play that she often uses. You have been trained,’well’?
“It’s about the information … not the site.”
ok the information is tainted! And many people can see it.
Grandma needs a new pair of shoes, and the Alaskan earthquake was aimed for her! PLEEEAASE?
Then they just gave up???
Thank you for this revealing exchange. Your true intentions are clearly evident by your choice of verbiage, content direction and energy signature.
Thank you for this revealing exchange.Your true intentions are clearly evident by your choice of verbiage, content direction and energy signature.
There is only One who Truly knows my heart and my mind and it is not you.
i do thank you for this short exchange.
Well yea they are supporting the circus
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Thank you for the feed back.
This is actually a far better direct resource to review: