When IMAGINED consensus determines the validity of one’s perspective and the value of one’s personhood.
tom finley
2 years ago
Pedo joe declared war, on half of the nation, they have begun, nothing is hidden now. What about the militias in this country? Do they think this is just another fed trap? They are hiding with their tale between their legs, while the pedo Hitler threatens violence against half the country, or do they pledge their allegiance to the pedo king?
2 years ago
Only a dementia victim would believe that, with a 38% approval rating, he has the majority of Americans on his side. It’s either that or his staff, the people really calling the shots, never give him his poll numbers.
Notice how he used Marines as props in a setting that Leni Riefenstahl would have approved of last night. What kind of POS Commandant of the Marine Corps would approve their use for a political campaigning effort like this? The Marine Corps clearly prostituted itself for Feeble Joe.
Has the Marine Corps joined the DOJ and FBI as members of his Praetorian Guard??? If not, the Commandant should demand an apology.
2 years ago
Rather, that’s the “tyranny of the majority” and having read much of the works of Voltairine de Cleyre, and other such individuals, it’s obvious that much of this rhetoric is going towards stratification and alienation based on political views. This is fascism, in that they will only tolerate individual viewpoints within the context of being in agreement with the tenets of their party platform; being pro-abortion, educated to only one standard of beliefs formed through indoctrination, that the institutions will continue to be enjoyed for their benefit and use, and personal increase of wealth will be at their disposal on a reward-like basis, based on conformity. All systems of earning and mobility are and will be submission-based.
Citizen Joe
2 years ago
I guess that “diversity of opinion” stuff is over with now. We all have to think alike. I knew from the get go that this is where they would go.
It’s the money too. It must go to the fascist bundle and away from the others. The church system has been instrumental in this divergent transfer of wealth, and should be faulted and held to account.
Arch Stanton
2 years ago
DC’s inner circle knows something we don’t, a big something. The dems are way too openly criminal and reckless, and the GOP is way too timid and tolerant. My guess is they all know the country is about to collapse both socially and financially. I think the shit is really about to hit the fan. The dems want control, the republicans are sitting back not wanting to catch any blame. Time to get sober about civil war. We need to get locked and loaded, prepare our minds and find some agreement with the Almighty.
What the innermost circle knows is when they’ve created enough chaos on earth their ‘messiah’, the fake messiah-the antichrist-will show up and become their god on earth. That’s what they’re working for. These will be the ones arrayed against The True Messiah in that final battle. They’re doomed, but they don’t believe it. Soon enough we will be openly hunted, those of us that resist anyway.
2 years ago
this moron from Haiti talking from her posterior end of you know what. and what i read about this thing it’s another tranny in pedophile joes’ government, Read Romans 1 in its entirety and this is where we are at this moment in time.
Last edited 2 years ago by Phil
J. Smith
2 years ago
I haz a question. Who all is still supporting Trump? He refuses to renounce the dangerous and deadly covid shot likely due to narcissism that is irrefutably killing people, including kids. If at this point you support him still, understand you support his agenda which is responsible for killing americans. There are sins of ommission and commission, pretty sure any Christian knows which side of this their soul should sit with, then again, with all the self-actualization and rationalization it wouldn’t surprise me where many will truly sit. Im not attacking Trump for any of his shortfalls but this one, so in the angry replies, calling me a commie, dont conflate the issue. Support Trump at this point, you support death.
He bragged about knowing planes alone couldn’t have brought the towers down. He did a street interview on 9/11 in NYC. 4 years as prez with the world as his audience and saying he’ll drain the swamp and he never mentions it. Hmmmmmm.
2 years ago
KJP: “When you are not with where the majority of Americans are, then that is extreme.”
You mean like when you’re a lesbian?
How do the trannies feel about this statement?
When IMAGINED consensus determines the validity of one’s perspective and the value of one’s personhood.
Pedo joe declared war, on half of the nation, they have begun, nothing is hidden now. What about the militias in this country? Do they think this is just another fed trap? They are hiding with their tale between their legs, while the pedo Hitler threatens violence against half the country, or do they pledge their allegiance to the pedo king?
Only a dementia victim would believe that, with a 38% approval rating, he has the majority of Americans on his side. It’s either that or his staff, the people really calling the shots, never give him his poll numbers.
Notice how he used Marines as props in a setting that Leni Riefenstahl would have approved of last night. What kind of POS Commandant of the Marine Corps would approve their use for a political campaigning effort like this? The Marine Corps clearly prostituted itself for Feeble Joe.
Has the Marine Corps joined the DOJ and FBI as members of his Praetorian Guard??? If not, the Commandant should demand an apology.
Rather, that’s the “tyranny of the majority” and having read much of the works of Voltairine de Cleyre, and other such individuals, it’s obvious that much of this rhetoric is going towards stratification and alienation based on political views. This is fascism, in that they will only tolerate individual viewpoints within the context of being in agreement with the tenets of their party platform; being pro-abortion, educated to only one standard of beliefs formed through indoctrination, that the institutions will continue to be enjoyed for their benefit and use, and personal increase of wealth will be at their disposal on a reward-like basis, based on conformity. All systems of earning and mobility are and will be submission-based.
I guess that “diversity of opinion” stuff is over with now. We all have to think alike. I knew from the get go that this is where they would go.
The left has been there for a couple of decades. “you must be one of us, and you must think like us to be one of us.”
It’s the money too. It must go to the fascist bundle and away from the others. The church system has been instrumental in this divergent transfer of wealth, and should be faulted and held to account.
DC’s inner circle knows something we don’t, a big something. The dems are way too openly criminal and reckless, and the GOP is way too timid and tolerant. My guess is they all know the country is about to collapse both socially and financially. I think the shit is really about to hit the fan. The dems want control, the republicans are sitting back not wanting to catch any blame. Time to get sober about civil war. We need to get locked and loaded, prepare our minds and find some agreement with the Almighty.
What the innermost circle knows is when they’ve created enough chaos on earth their ‘messiah’, the fake messiah-the antichrist-will show up and become their god on earth. That’s what they’re working for. These will be the ones arrayed against The True Messiah in that final battle. They’re doomed, but they don’t believe it. Soon enough we will be openly hunted, those of us that resist anyway.
this moron from Haiti talking from her posterior end of you know what. and what i read about this thing it’s another tranny in pedophile joes’ government, Read Romans 1 in its entirety and this is where we are at this moment in time.
I haz a question. Who all is still supporting Trump? He refuses to renounce the dangerous and deadly covid shot likely due to narcissism that is irrefutably killing people, including kids. If at this point you support him still, understand you support his agenda which is responsible for killing americans. There are sins of ommission and commission, pretty sure any Christian knows which side of this their soul should sit with, then again, with all the self-actualization and rationalization it wouldn’t surprise me where many will truly sit. Im not attacking Trump for any of his shortfalls but this one, so in the angry replies, calling me a commie, dont conflate the issue. Support Trump at this point, you support death.
He bragged about knowing planes alone couldn’t have brought the towers down. He did a street interview on 9/11 in NYC. 4 years as prez with the world as his audience and saying he’ll drain the swamp and he never mentions it. Hmmmmmm.
KJP: “When you are not with where the majority of Americans are, then that is extreme.”
You mean like when you’re a lesbian?
How do the trannies feel about this statement?