Buy More Votes in 2014

How will the Democrats will elections in 2014 after the Obamacare disaster? If their strategy worked in the past, why change: buy the votes. One of their new targets is senior citizens as shown below. What if it does not work and the Republican Party picks up more seats in Congress? I see no leadership in the GOP and an ever expanding national debt which by the Constitution, is controlled by the Republican held House of Representatives.

Debt equals slavery. On all levels.

David DeGerolamo

Warren: ‘This Is the Moment When We Talk About Expanding Social Security’

Books-Elizabeth Warren“We have a retirement crisis in America,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Wednesday night.

“This is no time — this is the last time — to be talking about cutting Social Security. This is the moment when we talk about expanding Social Security.”

Warren said Social Security is all that stands between 14 million Americans and poverty, and she called for “modest adjustments,” such as taxing the wealthy more, and bringing more people into the system, an apparent reference to immigration reform.

Warren — on the far left of the political scale — increasingly has been mentioned as a presidential contender. Promising to expand Social Security would appeal to the growing number of government-dependent Americans, and it would allow Warren to tout Democrats’ “values.” In fact, Warren did exactly that on Wednesday night:

“I think this is — this is our moment,” Warren said, speaking of Democrats. “I think we have come to understand that, you know, America changes much of the time. It’s in increments. It is in small pieces. But we truly have come to the crossroads now. And there are two very different visions of how we build a future.


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