California Is Still a Bellwether State

Here is a list of laws enacted by the state of California. Since this is a bellwether state (see Megatrends), the rest of the country should follow within a few years:

  1. California passed laws prohibiting the sale, trade, or distribution of the shark fins, which are considered a delicacy in China.
  2. California became the first state in the nation to require a prescription for obtaining any drug containing dextromethorphan, an ingredient found in many popular over-the-counter cough suppressants, including Robitussin, NyQuil and Dimetapp.
  3. California legislators prohibited any state or local government from requiring employers to use the E-Verify program unless required by federal law or as a condition of receiving federal funds.
  4. The California Dream Act expands eligibility for institutional grants and fee waivers to students who are in the country illegally at the state’s university systems and community colleges.
  5. California became the first state to mandate the teaching of gay history. A new law requires schools to include in the public-school curriculum the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans, along with disabled persons and others. The statute, which has no age limit, also bans instructional material that discriminates against those groups.
  6. California issued a ban on the sale of beer juiced with caffeine.
  7. California teens seeking the perfect tan will have to hit the beaches, thanks to the addition of a law banning minors from using ultraviolet tanning beds.
  8. Also in California, children must remain in car booster seats for an additional two years, until they reach the age of eight, or until they hit 4 feet 9 inches, whichever comes first.

And the next proposal coming for the ballot box:

A proposal that would require adult film actors to use condoms has qualified for the June ballot after proponents gathered enough signatures to put the issue before Los Angeles voters.

David DeGerolamo



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[…] decades by race, sex, offense and age. But California’s drug arrest and abuse trends often reflect (or are harbingers of) national trends, and in the Golden State developments are challenging every major premise of the drug-policy […]


[…] decades by race, sex, offense and age. But California’s drug arrest and abuse trends often reflect (or are harbingers of) national trends, and in the Golden State developments are challenging every major premise of the drug-policy […]