California law allowing seizure of guns without notice begins Jan. 1

Benjamin Wagner, the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of California, displays one of the guns seized in an undercover operation, during a news conference in Sacramento, Calif., on Oct. 15, 2015. Wagner announced a federal grand jury indicted 8 men on a variety of firearm charges including the manufacturing and dealing in firearms without a license.  At left is Jill A. Snyder, Special Agent in Charge for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. (Associated Press) **FILE**

Gun control legislation going into effect in California next week will allow authorities to seize a person’s weapons for 21 days if a judge determines there is potential for violence.

Proposed in the wake of a deadly May 2014 shooting rampage by Elliot Rodger, the bill provides family members with a means of having an emergency “gun violence restraining order” imposed against a loved one if they can convince a judge that this person’s possession of a firearm “poses an immediate and present danger of causing personal injury to himself, herself or another by having in his or her custody or control.”

A little nibble here and there eventually becomes a successfully completed agenda. It worked for the government’s takeover of healthcare and student loans, glorification of homosexuality and the implementation of an autocratic government. The only thing preventing complete domination is:
“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
You would do well to put this into practice.
David DeGerolamo
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8 years ago

Just as the mozlems and all these small, self-interest groups, they’re pushing the average American against the wall and expecting them not to fight back. They’ll continue along this road until someone or some group finally snaps and declares war on the state and then all hell will break loose. In a sad sort of way, I look forward to it.

Though I dread what may take its place, I’ll be glad when this “regime” is gone…IF it goes. By the looks of it we may be in for an “extended stay”, by the o’shitbag administration, if martial law is enacted. THAT’S when the fur will fly…

8 years ago

The hard-left Marxist and Islamists who infect our federal government plus the MSM media prostitutes who protect them will gleefully lie, falsify, fabricate, slander, libel, deceive, delude, bribe, and treasonably betray the free citizens of the United States..

Second Amendment foes lying about gun control -- The Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting. The Second Amendment has nothing to do with personal self-defense.Firearms are our constitutionally mandated safeguard against tyranny by a powerful federal government. Only dictators, tyrants, despots, totalitarians, and those who want to control and ultimately to enslave you support gun control.

No matter what any president, senator, congressman, or hard-left mainstream media prostitutes tell you concerning the statist utopian fantasy of safety and security through further gun control: They are lying. If their lips are moving, they are lying about gun control. These despots truly hate America..

These tyrants hate freedom, liberty, personal responsibility, and private property. But the reality is that our citizens’ ownership of firearms serves as a concrete deterrent against despotism. They are demanding to hold the absolute power of life and death over you and your family. Ask the six million Jewws, and the other five million murdered martyrs who perished in the Nazzi death camps, how being disarmed by a powerful tyranny ended any chances of fighting back. Ask the murdered martyrs of the Warsaw Ghetto about gun control.

Their single agenda is to control you after you are disarmed. When the people who want to control you hold the absolute power of life and death over your family, you have been enslaved. The hard-left Marxist and Islamists who infect our federal government plus the MSM media prostitutes who protect them will gleefully lie, falsify, fabricate, slander, libel, deceive, delude, bribe, and treasonably betray the free citizens of the United States into becoming an unarmed population. Unarmed populations have been treated as slaves and chattel since the dawn of history.

Will we stand our ground, maintaining our constitutionally guaranteed Second Amendment rights, fighting those who would enslave us?

American Thinker

Average Joe
Average Joe
8 years ago

So all one need do is denounce a family member and government will strip them of their God given rights? Sound quite familiar.

8 years ago

just look at the evil Dyke in back of the moron idiot democrat holding the rifle. the fools in Mexifornia will shortly pay a heavy price for there filth and debauchery they have pushed on the nation. they are going down and it will be fast.

Tom Angle
8 years ago

The government cannot strip/take anything that is not given to them.

8 years ago

then everyone of these slugs in government,the media, the judges and the university WHORE professors must be hanged at some point of time for treason. I believe if they don’t get hanged and disposed of nothing will ever change. Hanging or firing squad is the only way now, if not then they will hang us, gas us, murder us or any other form of disposing of us they can dream up in there evil demoniac minds.