Call the Exorcist

     You might be among those who have noticed that the people in authority in our country appear increasingly insane. It ought to be self-evident that this is deeply disturbing, but I will explain anyway to allay any residual mystification. In a sane human society, authority is granted to those who are trustworthy. People earn trust by demonstrating their allegiance to reality. Things generally work better when the people running them maintain cordial relations with reality. Now, you understand why so many things don’t work in the USA.

     What more subtle minds are asking these days is this: when does this insanity tip over into evil? Especially the insanity evinced in our authority figures. How about when someone positively denies reality in the act of doing harm. How about Rochelle Walensky, Director of the CDC? Ms. Walensky is, to this moment, still proffering mRNA Covid-19 “vaccines” for children despite the reality that reams of evidence exist showing these products to be harmful, even deadly — and, in particular, by the previously exacting standards of the CDC’s sister agency, the FDA, which hold that just a few demonstrated injuries will lead to a drug being withdrawn from medical practice. (Ms. Walensky is a medical doctor, by the way.)

Human religious lore has it that the figure of Satan is the Father of Lies. Satan is the personification of evil. The political Left and the vehicle it rides on, the Democratic Party, with phantom president “Joe Biden” in the driver’s seat, has become the Party of Satan. We are in the presence of evil. (Call them psychopaths, if you’re more comfortable with that.) Whether you are religious or not, the Left represents a force at war with reality, and it happens to be at war against the rest of us. You can’t negotiate with it. It lies always and everywhere about everything. It must be vanquished.


h/t WRSA

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1 year ago

“People earn trust by demonstrating their allegiance to reality. Things generally work better when the people running them maintain cordial relations with reality. Now, you understand why so many things don’t work in the USA.”

Not in America. Trust is swept to the wayside in lieu of obedience and submission, instilled by the corporate Christian church system. This default yielding to authorities (extending to governmental, medical, educational, workplace, social) is having generational backlash and blowback and creating defunct individuals, relationally, politically, spiritually, and as regards practical living. It’s saying to keep one’s head bowed at their altars of authority. It’s mass mind control by an exterior force that will steer, influence and direct the cult/occult mindset on all people who would otherwise act, behave and live differently, such as according to their beliefs as a people group and the expression thereof (domestic tranquility). Because they are controlled, the respect is lost by the public as the realty of a doldrum religiosity is made manifest. It’s not manifest destiny, but rather manifest boringness. This has to do with why Christianity has no power in the United States in terms of being a mover and shaker (shaping the environment), but now tend to preach “prepare for martyrdom”, as the logical step of this guru-based religion. Define trust. These so-called leaders pushed and are still pushing a sterilizing and biologically degenerative vaccine.

1 year ago

They will be vanquished. The Twitter clip of a real live duck suffering underneath a warped human piece of excrement. The poor dying duck taken from its habitat so some drugged up human pig can have its moment of sadistic narcissistic glory.