Greetings Me Droogs and Droogettes!You know what? It’s time to stop being nice.Fucking Traitors.
That’s what they are.Just like that miserable Piece of Shit “Johnnie Taliban” Walker.Ex-Soldier Piece of Shit Bowe BergdahlMedia Douchecanoe Keith OlbermannAnd now?Washington D.C. National Guard Major Adam DeMarcoThe story is at Big League Politics Seems there’s some Leftist Fucking Commie Lawfair group calling it “The Orders Project”. Seems they’re actively and seditiously telling troops to NOT obey orders IF the Trumpster tells the Nasty Guard to fucking crush the fuckers that’re gonna rise up. It’s run by Eugene Fidell, director of The Orders Project.
Bowe Bergdahl’s lawyer… funny how dat works huh?He’s also, unsurprisingly a member of the (((tribe))).Funny how dat works too huh?Soon-to-be Ex Major DeMarco is a fucking traitorI called the DC Nasty Guard P.A.O. orifice and left a VM
The Public Affairs Office is
(202) 685-9862Feel free to blow that number the fuck up…And what with the shit that’s being spewed… Holy Christ.And they keep getting away with it.If I said even one tenth of the shit these people do/did/have done, the fucking Feddies woulda busted my door down a waaaays back. However, since I would never advocate preemptive violence against those who have openly declared war on me, mine, the people I associate with, primarily because they disagree with how I think, I’m strictly a defensive sorta guy.
That being said tho, Orange Man Bad, IF and ONLY IF he gets re-elected, he’d better get his shit together and go “Full NAZI”…
I mean ALL of them, from the smallest shitty local newspapers, to just about every Deep State Media and ALL the fuckers who’ve been against him… they’ve been calling him a Fascist and a NAZI for years.
I say go for it.I’m good with it.Fuck ’em all.Go Full Retard and round them ALL up and kill. them. all.Because, from the sounds of it, that’sexactly what they have planned for us.Karma my friend is a stone cold motherfucker.
They, from their rarified heights, the self styled Elites and supposed “Betters” have sorta kinda been a lil too honest. Hell. I tagged Old Keith on Twatter when he started calling for “Truth and Reconciliation Courts”
No answer of course.I’m meaningless to him… I don’t matter.Until I do.And at –that– point, it’ll be too late for him except to maybe think about just how stupid he was as the blood races out from the hole where his chest and spine once was. If he’s lucky, it’ll be a short time…Unless someone is feeling frisky.Knees and Elbows…Lower Lumbar Spinal shot… just like how Doc J and 8-Ball from ‘Full Metal Jacket’ got shot apart piece-by-piece by that V.C. Sniper…Of course I’d never say that anyone should do anything like that…Be the Gray Man.Be QuietAvoid CrowdsBe the Gray Man.(It bears repeating)Until Later I Remain The Intrepid Reporter
Big Country
h/t WRSA
Please use the full and correct term ashkeNAZI, of the fake news buzz phrase contraction- nazi. If you only use the communist democrat buzz phrase- nazi. You are misdirected, intentionally, to 1/10,000th of the true picture of the evil perpetrated on the world by the ashkeNAZI’s.
Fred -- Conrad Heiden, (((tribe))) newspaperman, coined the term ‘nazi’ as a derogatory to the National Socialist Democratic Workers Party (NaSDAP) which NEVER referred to itself or members as “Nah-Zeees”. Also, ‘antifa’ is (((tribe))) --
They use the exact same Logo as before, when they tried to take over Germany, after doing it to Russia.
As for this author’s contention that National Guard (or other parts of the Military) are going to play a part in the upcoming “Church Picnic” I have my doubts. It would be Far more likely that we see a bunch of ‘3-Letter Agency’ thugpigs, and corporate mercenaries, involved in any Kinetic Action for or against the ‘Administration’ (whomever that is).
At the end of the Day, the Math and Logistics of making any Armed Takeover of the ‘government’ Stick (and be obeyed) are Slim and None. That famous Japanese Admiral had it Down, “… there will be a Gun behind every Blade of Grass.”
Remember, in even the smallest City, there is more than one fedgov office.
Find out where it is, and where those bureaucrats live.