Calls for Domestic Terrorism

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Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
Lee Vail AKA Kalev Efrayim
1 day ago

Another one AG Bondi is sure to jump on. (More sarcastic frustration.)

tom finley
tom finley
1 day ago

Raconteur Report: Fight Fire With Napalm, Following By Nuking From Orbit Where are you Pam Bondi, quit talking and take some action.

tom finley
tom finley
19 minutes ago
Reply to  DRenegade

In conclusion his actions are political not judicial, he has been involved in the lawfare Against President Trump, from Russiagate to the fisa courts etc. So AI is the new truth detector with a 40% error rate is that what your trying to tell me? I try not to use any form of AI, but every browser is using it, so by proxy I cannot avoid it. Thanks for your reply, I believe he is guilty still and should be prosecuted for his treasonous actions. He thinks he is the all powerful OZ, but the curtain has been pulled back.

tom finley
tom finley
21 seconds ago
Reply to  DRenegade

At the minimum he should be charged with seditious conspiracy, the pattern of his actions alone proves it, along with the rest of his conspirators, Comey, Brenan, Mueller, hildabeast it is a long list. High profile traitors that will never see justice.

1 day ago

Death threats, arson, vandalism, trespassing, riot, etc. are on the books as crimes to prosecute. L.E.O. and their handler politicians need to do their jobs and quit hand wringing. Do your jobs or be replaced by someone who will. More laws and larger .gov are not what is needed. Plenty of badass talking, but no badass doing. IMHO.

20 hours ago

Just too stupid to recover.

16 hours ago

Crook doesn’t want to lose her taxpayer-money funded luxury lifestyle.

General 'Buck' from his phone
General 'Buck' from his phone
15 hours ago

These mooks don’t realize that it swings both ways