I understand very well how stressful this time is for our country and people. Based on information that is being disseminated and people’s comments, I have two suggestions:
- Calm down and use good judgment concerning what you see, hear and read. Consider the sources of the information and do not react to what may be propaganda.
- Do not take your frustration out on other people. The other side want us to react and many times, this reaction is against people who are on our side.
Fortunately, the sides are clearly delineated. People on the good side support President Trump. We support him because he is supporting the rule of law, the Constitution and the Republic. I understand some people will disagree with this assessment. If you do, then just use this delineation: good vs. evil.
It appears we should start getting answers shortly. I wish we had better lines of communication but evil has cut our side’s ability to speak freely. They also are feeding us lies and half truths. Remember: if it is too good to be true, it probably isn’t true.
David DeGerolamo
Tactical Patience.
At least we can pass information here till the internet is pulled,I’m glad I was referred here,Keep your heads up Patriots
What is posted here is good advice. Be patient, remove the emotion from your decision making if you can or as much as possible. Like TPB has posted, Tactical Patience!
My friend just saw a bunch of soldiers in huntersville NC. He didn’t know if they were gaurd or active . Not sure what unit would be training in January.
S.A.L.U.T.E. Reports; Use this simple (and effective) technique when discussing the enemy or threat
Agreed. I’ve been doing just that.
Veteran war correspondent Michael Yon states tonight knows definitively POTUS “ will not evoke Insurrection Act “.
I’m sorry and with all due respect but after doing just a bit of research on Michael Yon, I wouldn’t believe anything that comes out of either side of his mouth.
Yes….be calm, don’t jump to conclusions, don’t believe out of hand anything you hear.
But don’t forget….the left is EVIL and now that they have TOTAL CONTROL of the
machinery of government they intend to DISARM US and ENSLAVE US. They have
TOLD US THIS repeatedly, now they are going to DO IT.
Donald Trump’s New Platform…
Good advice.
Do not take the bait of those who are only causing trouble.
however. we need to back others. anyone i see with trump gear, i make sure they know i have thier back and god bless the republic.