Can We Handle the Truth?

from WRSA


I don’t believe that the dam is only comprised of the media. The dam does appear to be breaking as new revelations of the Biden crime family just keep on coming. Trump is charged with crimes every time a new Biden revelation is released but people now recognize the deflections of Mordor on the Potomac.

It is now seven months since the GOP took control of the House. January 6th political prisoners still have no justice, the national debt is a national tragedy and no charges have been filed against the people responsible for the overthrow of the Republic.

As conditions deteriorate into degenerate tyranny, people wonder what recourse they have. Start with a foundation in God and edify yourself instead of standing on shifting sand. Watching is not a bad strategy if you are waiting for the appropriate time to stand up. This means drawing a line in the sand. For most sapient people, this line has been breached.

David DeGerolamo

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1 year ago

David, I wish you were correct BUT most people WANT the comfortable Fable NOT the HARSH Truth.

Things will have to get MUCH Worse before a lot of my neighbors will accept that everything ISN’T Just Fine.

Betrayal is the most powerful weapon of tyrants. Ask the East Germans and many more about that.

Please let me know when you get a “All is Fine” person to accept the pill of reality. I’ve not been that persuasive yet with those I thought were likely to at least listen and research for themselves.

Grey, it’s NOT just a color when true chaos erupts.

1 year ago

It’s not our government. Get over it. We’re on our own. No one is coming to save us. I’m not allowed to say what must be done. Read between the lines. Act accordingly. But act.

1 year ago
Reply to  Leroy

You nailed it Leroy. I do not comply. I nullify. I don’t ask anymore. I stay polite but I demnd. Asking is pointless when you have the absolute right to demand.
Author and attorney, Melvin Stamper, states that there are 65,000 laws and regulations in the USA. The shopworn phrase, “Ignorance of the law is no excuse,” is laughably no longer accurate.
According to, 42% of American taxpayers are registered to the Independent Party. This means that neither the Republicans or the Democrats can get a clear majority.
So why are our state general assemblies and the US Congress still organized around the two party model?? Redistricting has to be 100% stopped. District boundaries have to follow county boundaries for simplicity. All primaries need to be open, and more elected officials need to dump the failed blue vs red delusion and go Independent.

1 year ago
Reply to  Leroy

Damn, I was waiting for Q to save me! (sarc!)
We are totally on our own in some very uncharted territory. Things will get worse before they get better. In fact it will be much worse. Now that the veil is off they will fight like hell to maintain control over us. Our biggest weakness right now is Intel. How do we find out who these bastards are? Sure they will send their goons out to try to shut us down and/or eliminate us. But we need to find the people who send the goons and start working our way up the food chain. A very daunting task.

1 year ago

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a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Does it bother you, (preservation of our whole race” part of this quote?
we know, He (Mashiak) desires to save all possible, from all races. That is why this period of tribulation lasts for a while.
i do understand that we can learn from all who came before us. And i also believe we are to point out problems or places where people go wrong. we should be able to have discussions, without taking offense, and slipping into a name calling , spat.

1 year ago

“All lives matter” IS Raciest in the current doublespeak.

So, I am not going to play that nonsense.

Please send us the BIBLE Scripture that supports your comment:

“He (Mashiak) desires to save all possible, from all races. That is why this period of tribulation lasts for a while.”

I love to learn more scripture.

Please cut and paste where I “Wronged you”.
“And i also believe we are to point out problems or places where people go wrong. we should be able to have discussions, without taking offense, and slipping into a name calling , spat.”

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Did not say you wronged me. Just talking in general. we see how many people behave, do we not?
Do you honestly think that all lives do not matter? To Him?
Not playing games either. This world is so jacked up it is almost impossible to speak.
“Please send us the BIBLE Scripture that supports your comment.”
Does He not wish to save the world? Did His Son not die for the world? This does not mean that all will come to Him nor be saved, yet we know His desire.
Good speaking with you, i also enjoy much of what you are trying to put out there.

Last edited 1 year ago by a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Here is but one passage that we should consider.
Acts 17:26 And He has made of one blood every Nation of man.

1 year ago

Kind of eliminates the whole Race thing, doesn’t it?

ALL LIVES MATTER TO GOD. Love the sinner NOT the Sin, requires repentance, eh?

Not into human remakes of the language of doublespeak.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Good morning. just came back from store and gas station. Could not buy 50.00 in gas with a 50 dollar bill, they would not accept 50’s or 100’s. Thinkin about calling to get an explanation. Legal tender and yet?
world has gone bonkers.
‘True’ repentance.
This qualifier is needed. i have come to see that many think they have repented but truly have not.

1 year ago

Agree about true repentance and the world has gone bonkers.

As 50.00 and 100.00 bills are the most counterfeited bills, I wonder how long our “beloved leadership” decides to make ALL cash “Dirty-Suspect” by doing a massive counterfeit operation with say 20’s?

The Powers that Be SEE electronic dollars as one more “Brick in the Wall” part of the surveillance state CONTROL structure.

a follower, working on it.
a follower, working on it.
1 year ago
Reply to  Michael

Nudging us towards digital.

Francis W. Porretto
Francis W. Porretto
1 year ago

I don’t believe that the dam is only comprised of the media.

For sure it ain’t! The media’s duplicities are now on record for anyone who cares to see them. Yet the great majority of those who accepted media deceits refuse to admit that they’d been conned — simply because they don’t want to look like the victims of con artists. That they are the victims of con artists is irrelevant; they’re unduly protective of their reputations for realism and good sense.

It’s been said that among the hardest sentences to master in the whole of the English language is this one: “I was wrong.” But as tough as that one is, here’s one that’s even tougher: “I was fooled.” Especially if the speaker bought the deception because it made him feel righteous and superior.

1 year ago

Once rented public ad space, with the intention of sending a message the day after March ends. They wouldn’t even create the message, let alone post ‘airliners hit the twin towers’.
Legal, from Louisiana, claimed the public might think it happened again. As if the public expects news from a digital BB on I forty.
Not so funny how SCOTUS has said police are not required to provide safety, nor are they allowed to offer safety, yet the BAR creates the illusion everyday under the guise of a professional sophist signature.
For those who’re unaware, brainwashing 101: Making promises in the future, for which the authority has no liability to fulfill. Who can you not criticize in a court of record?

1 year ago

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