Canada to turn 7 military bases into refugee camps, taxpayers to fund mosques

This will have the effect of creating seven 100% Muslim cities all over Canada. In those cities, will the Muslims, in their gratitude, forget all about Islam’s doctrines of warfare against and subjugation of unbelievers? Of course they won’t, but Canadian officials, like officials all over the West, do not recognize that those doctrines even exist, and so are not making any provisions for what might happen if Muslims in these new cities do start to misunderstand Islam on a large scale.


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9 years ago

Inasmuch as we now suffer from having a retard for a Prime Minister, Canada has once again proven that Socialist/Lefties alway start constructing Concentration Camps, as soon as they have some inconvenient people…

Fencing with Barb Wire, Yup, Armed Security, Yup, Restricted Access, Yup… there they go again..