Canadians Panic As Food Prices Soar On Collapsing Currency

It was just yesterday when we documented the continuing slide in the loonie, which is suffering mightily in the face of oil’s inexorable decline.

As regular readers are no doubt acutely aware, Canada is struggling through a dramatic economic adjustment, especially in Alberta, the heart of the country’s oil patch. Amid the ongoing crude carnage the province has seen soaring property crime, rising food bank usage and, sadly, elevated suicide rates, as Albertans struggle to comprehend how things up north could have gone south (so to speak) so quickly.

The plunging loonie “can only serve to worsen the death of the ‘Canadian Dream'” we said on Tuesday.

As it turns out, we were exactly right.

The currency’s decline is having a pronounced effect on Canadians’ grocery bills. As Bloomberg reminds us, Canada imports around 80% of its fresh fruits and vegetables. When the loonie slides, prices for those goods soar. “With lower-income households tending to spend a larger portion of income on food, this side effect of a soft currency brings them the most acute stress,” Bloomberg continues.



Imagine what will happen here.

David DeGerolamo

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Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

Ah the problems associated with fiat currencies.

Another nail in the coffin of the dollar as the ‘reserve currency.’

The proverbial chickens will come home to roost once the dollar is displaced.

As for how the country will respond? Who knows but what I do know is the welfare people who compete for food with those who work for a living will get increases in the handouts from government while the working people will be hit with the double whammy of higher prices and more taxes to pay for the handouts.

9 years ago

Joe and all --

I must disagree, with my apologies. But, I have two words to offer you, by way of explanation -- FOOD RIOTS.
The Progressive Left knows full well, what it has been building these last 50 years. It has been building a human anvil of the poor, against which to crush the middle class, in pursuit of their glorious and utopic One World Government.
They know that, without widespread civil unrest, they can never successfully abrogate our Constitution. They tried instigating the black population to engage in their desired unrest in the 1960’s, but while a number of such “race riots” were successfully ignited, they could not achieve the widspread and ongoing violence they needed.

FInding the native population (both black and white) of the United States disinclined to participate in insurrection and sustained riot, the progressives have since been in a continuous effort to *import* a population more amenable to their designs. Beginning in 1965 with the Hart-Celler Act (which was sponsored by Senator Edward Kennedy, then the chairman of the Senate Immigration subcommittee), US Immigration policy was completely re-written, and all Country_of_Origin requirements pertaining to immigration were eliminated, and for the first time in US history a regulatory limit was placed on immigration from countries in the western hemisphere, thereby forcefully tipping the immigration scales in favor of Asian immigrants.

This favoring of Asians over Europeans was further reinforced by the so-called “Refugee Act” of 1980, which gave the Executive branch broad powers to admit “refugees” without their admission counting towards the immigration quotas, and without said “refugees” being subject to the same acceptance standards as regular immigrants.

Over the last 20 years, the “Refugee Act” has been used to import several million muslim “refugees” from the most uncivilized parts of the world -- Ethiopia and Somaila, Yemen, Morocco, Nigeria, Angola, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and Indonesia. Not Christian refugees; muslims. Even though in nearly every country I have listed, Christians are in the minority and are regularly subject to discrimination, including violent abuse, by a muslim-majority pooulation. But the Clinton, Bush, and 0bama administrations have *all* used their power to import muslims, muslims, and more muslims as so-called “refugees”. Christians need not apply.

And why is that? Because there is no more violent, uncivilized, destructive group of people on earth than muslims, and they need enough of them to produce the wide-spread, ongoing violent revolt which is the key factor the Globalists need, in order to “suspend” our Constitutional government, and ultimately dispose of our Constitution all together.

You are seeing it play out in Europe, right now. It will begin in America soon.

Just as with Germany, which began importing Turkish labor in the mid 1970s and is now innundated with violent muslims in ever major city -- witness the mass sexual assaults which occurred, in well coordinated fashion, in over 40 German cities on New Years Eve.

Just as with France, who began importing muslims from Algeria, Tunisia, Moritania, Mali, and other grossly uncivilized nations, and where the most commonly given name to newborn boys is now “Mohammad”. France, where just months ago muslims carried out the most deadly terrorist attacks in Europe since the 1973 Munich Olympic massacre (also perpetrated by muslims).

Just as with Sweden, where in just the last 3 years, the incidence of rape has increased 4200%, and the instances of “groping” (a.k.a. sexual assault absent forced penetration) has increased more than 10,000% -- over the same 3-year period in which Sweden has taken in nearly a million muslim “refugees” from those same barbaric, muslim-run countries I mentioned earlier.

Just as in England, where there is presently a “scandal” under invastigation wherein the Police Departments of several major cities, including London, purposely did not record facts pertinent to tens of thousands of cases of sexual assault, rape, and murder, because those facts would clearly demonstrate that today in England, more than 92% of sexual assaults, and more than 98% of murders are committed by muslims.

But, pResident 0bama and his dhimi cabinet assure us that “it could never happen here. These people are fully vetted”.

This fight is an existential one -- nothing else matters if the muslims win. NOTHING.
…because if the muslims win, there will be nothing left but islam.

Our world will be dragged back into the 7th century. Every nation will be dragged down to a state of barbarity equal to that of Somalia, where warlords rule and food (like everything else) is a weapon, and starvation is the cheapest way to kill those who will not *submit*.
Or in Iraq, where Christians are being driven from their homes and shot in the desert, left for dead, unburried and unremembered -- because then there is no clean-up required before a muslim family can take over their homes, farms, and flocks.

Islam = Endless Religious Pogrom against all non-muslims, and often even against those who are “not sufficiently observant muslims”.

And now, again, I say there is only ONE solution --

Kill every last muslim,
Burn every last copy of their satanic book.
Burn every last mosque to the ground.
Burn every last dwelling they have occupied,
And wherever you must burn,
Salt the ground heavily.



9 years ago

Apologies, I became distracted while writing my earlier comment, and I never closed the loop…

FOOD RIOTS will happen because TPTB have now imported as “refugees” a sufficient number of violent, non-Western welfare recipients such that, when the price of food skyrockets, all the PTB will have to do is… NOTHING. The have already done everything necessary to ensure that ongoing widespread insurrection will result as economic conditions worsen.

The “Democrats” in congress will put on a show of trying to increase Welfare, SNAP, and etc. benefits, and the “Republicans” will block it, resulting in nothing being done. Everyone will have someone to blame, and chaos will break forth in the streets. It will all be pure Kabuki Theatre, but it will work none the less.

The “Arab Spring” was their test run, and it was wildly successful -- they created the trap, and their last action was to change the economic conditions, which set the whole works ablaze.

For me the only question remaining is whether they intend to dispose of the blacks, (illegal) hispanics, and muslims, once the collapse has played out; or whether they intend to somehow infiltrate and comandeer islam, as the next step in their takeover of the world?

As I have learned the hard way, most progressives are profoundly racist, so the ‘disposal’ option would seem to be their fundamental inclination; but there is something so awe-inspiringly diabolical about infiltrating islam and turning it to their nefarious purposes, that I’m absolutely certain some of the progressive elites have at least contemplated such a ne-plus-ultra endgame twist, if for no other reason than to gratify their massive egos.

Either way,


Average Joe
Average Joe
9 years ago

Hey LT,

Forgive my ignorance but it I am having a difficult time understanding where or how you disagree with my post. In truth my post didn’t address the items you listed nor can I find where your post addressed my points.

Addressing you post, has the 1965 immigration law decreased the felicity of the country? Without a doubt. Will there be unrest? Since we have experienced unrest when we held 90% of the country it is a foregone conclusion as we have been displaced to much less than 70%, from the third world not counting illegals of course, things will get worse. Is this part of the plan to further usurp the Constitution and subjugate the people via divide and conquer? How could it be otherwise? After all we know that God created and separated the nations and forcing them together creates the natural friction that was used, by God, to keep us apart.

I still find it curious few are willing to address the long standing crime stats here in the U.S. yet seem eager to point to Europe and crimes committed by newly arrived immigrants there and in the U.S.. It is like the proverbial elephant sitting in the room that most deny exists or at best refuse to acknowledge, at least in public.

If we only address parts of the issue rather than the whole don’t such cries at least give the appearance of myopia and of being a bit dishonest? Should we continue to place our own hands over our eyes, ears, and mouth as we are raped, robbed, assaulted, and murdered for the sake of those who seek our destruction?