Cancel Culture Logic

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4 years ago


gail jansen
gail jansen
4 years ago

Both the 19 and 4 year old belong to us. Please understand that I am in no way disagreeing with the implied conclusion that this is both idiocy and offensive in the extreme. What I am saying is that our complacency has brought this close into our families and friends. Somehow my little, 8th grade educated grandmother would have taken both the 19 and 4 year old in hand and straightened them and their parents right out. She would have stood her ground on the Bible and name of Jesus, plus a little physical leverage. But, in the world today, we are left with only being able to shake our heads in disbelief. What do we do? First and foremost, we need good judeo-Christian men to return to the homes and civic duties. Secondly, we need women to be mothers and wives as their first duty. Then we need to reclaim the Living God in our culture. This will probably take too long for the 19 and 4 year old, but even the speaking of this strategy in a time where the CCP is licking it’s lips in anticipation of destroying us, is enough to give hope. There is great power in the hope of returning to God’s plan for us. We not only have to continually point this lunacy out, but articulate and envision the cure. God bless you. Lord, have mercy.