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Do yourselves a favor and research the origins of celebrating Christmas in the United states. Who began the decorating a tree tradition? Is it a tradition of God or of man? What year?
i understand worshiping Yahusha and the Father Yahuah daily, so please do not loose your minds.
The story of Christmas that we are told to be true is a blatant lie. Anyone truly seeking the truth will find that Jesus was NOT born on any December 25th in Bethlehem. Following the account of His birth in the Gospel of Luke indicates a birth in late September 4 BCE.
I understood September as well although the day may differ. I believe this holiday is actually Nimrods birthday.
There is a commandment about lying i do believe.
Thanks Lee for your effort.
God bless you, Mr. Oliver, for your inspiring Christmas message of hope and love. I love Christmas, and all it means, too.
He is right. There are untold numbers of unbelievers who want to eradicate the celebration of the Christ’s birthday, and Christianity, from the face of the earth. But they will not succeed. For He is “King of kings, and Lord of lords.” They do not believe that He is The Risen Son of God. But the day will come when they will believe, and I would not care to be them, on that day, for all of the power, or money, or fame, or pleasure that this world has to offer. They can have all of this world. As for me, just give me Jesus!
Allow me to ask you and others this.
How do we go about Truly repenting if we do not look into the lies that have been handed down? The lies that we have therefore passed on.
If we are not ‘open’ to look at where we have gone wrong,(the direction we have been steered) why would He ever heal us? Why would he forgive us?
Amen strider.
Thank you, Tom Finley, and a very Merry Christmas, from me and all of my house, to you and all of your house.
Yes, strider may God bless you and yours and have a merry Christmas.
Christmas Trees: look at this short timeline.
Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s consort, is usually credited with having introduced the Christmas tree into England in 1840. However it was actually ‘good Queen Charlotte’, the German wife of George III, who set up the first known tree at Queen’s Lodge, Windsor, in December 1800.
“United” states June 28, 1870 christmas was declared a “Federal Holiday.”
Jeremiah Approximately 600 BC
This is from Jeremiah 10. First three verses.
Do not be awed by the signs in the heavens.
Hear the word which Yaweh
speaks to you, O house of Yisra’ĕl. 2
Thus said Yaweh, “Do not learn
the way of the gentiles, and do not be
awed by the signs of the heavens, for the
gentiles are awed by them.
“For the prescribed customs of these
peoples are worthless, for one cuts a tree
from the forest, work for the hands of a
craftsman with a cutting tool. 4
“They adorn it with silver and
gold and they fasten it with nails and
hammers so that it does not topple. 5
“They are like a rounded post and
they do not speak. They have to be
carried because they do not walk. Do
not be afraid of them, for they do no
evil, nor is it in them to do any good.”
Mathew Henry: Born: October 18, 1662, Flintshire, United Kingdom
Died: June 22, 1714, Cheshire, United Kingdom
Mathew Henry Commentary: On this verse ‘Years’ before the Christmas tree became a popular religious thing.
Jeremiah 10:1-16 The prophet shows the glory of Israel’s God, and exposes the folly of idolaters. Charms and other attempts to obtain supernatural help, or to pry into futurity, are copied from the wicked customs of the heathen. Let us stand in awe, and not dare provoke God, by giving that glory to another which is due to him alone. He is ready to forgive, and save all who repent and believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ. Faith learns these blessed truths from the word of God; but all knowledge not from that source, leads to doctrines of vanity.
Gentiles: Are we who have been saved by His blood and adopted ‘in’ to His House still gentiles?
Gladly I am not the only party pooper. Christmas is very pagan, and the bible says that we are not to worship God the way the pagans do. It is NOT Jesus’ birthday, but it is the high demonic “holy” day of the enemy. I used to do it too, but how can lying to your kids (about Santa) be part of a godly holiday? We have been tricked, but now we know. Time to put it away.
This 8 part series does a fine job with only two errors; one he states Jesus was born at Tabernacles (doubtful; we simply do not know but the Romans would not require people to be elsewhere when they had to be in Jerusalem. The Romans knew this would start a riot). The second mistake is about the Day of Atonement and it’s required ritual; neither are essential to the rest of it. Enjoy
Thanks Lori for sharing, and speaking up.
I agree Christmas and most of the other christial sacraments are evil.. the anti Christmas people in media/ government complex don’t really know or care about that. It’s your freedom of Religious choice they are after. So don’t lose sight of your overlords true desires.
“Most people are not comfortable in their ignorance, but hostile to anyone who points it out.” Plato.
[…] was reading the comments on “Cancelling Christmas Is Sinister“. I wonder how many people actually watched the video before giving their opinions? I will […]
Neil Oliver, wonderfully poetic as always.
His ending is beautiful.
God bless you, Neil Oliver, and all your family. Merry Christmas to all!