Capitalism Imperiled by the Cure

Over the course of the Coronavirus pandemic and societal shut down (the communist trial run) it should be understood by those communists cheering on the lockdown of humanity and the destruction of the market system, the person most likely to be designated as the new Tsar of America is Donald Trump, someone capable of running a multi-trillion dollar economy, who understands production better than Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, James Comey or whatever communist cut out Washington has to offer. 

If we are to be forced into a “climate saving” lockdown and re-tooling of the American economy, of which this fake pandemic is pretext and having seen the American patriots and their terror-filled responses to all other machinations of communist principles overlaid on their capitalist system, then the outcome is already known. So, since communism seems to be undeniable, largely because through the dilution of the American educational system, the slow progression of communist government displacing capitalist government, we ought to at least focus ourselves on determining our tyrant. 

I am all for a mass march on Washington to demand capitalism and a release from self-imposed captivity. I am all in on a state by state effort toward the same goal, release, freedom, liberty, etc., but none of my fellow citizens seem to think it is such a situation and even if it is, it is much too dangerous to group ourselves together in such a manner as we might further enrage the communists in charge (as they have proven over the past few weeks that in fact they are) of our lives, our liberty and our persons to the degree that they can fine and imprison us for exerting our individual right of movement and commerce. 

Now, I agreed, initially, to let this thing run its course, to use facts instead of hyperbole, truth instead of rumor to guide my actions. Perhaps, Coronavirus was much more deadly than I could individually determine. But, what we have received in return are lies about the danger of it, efforts expended in determining how many and who should be quarantined, but none or very little about the actual danger of the virus. That is the first indication that it was all a show. They lied about how and when compensation would be forthcoming. I mean if our souls were going to be further indebted to the people with guns, we ought to at least be the beneficiaries of our own debt. When I buy a house, I might go into debt to do it, but at least I get to live in the house. During the 2008 economic crisis, I got saddled with debt and still got kicked out of the proverbial house. We defended those who displaced us from our homes and businesses.

I mentioned when this first came about that I would sequester myself until facts could be known, but when it turned out to be another communist-led effort to further intimidate and isolate the American people as a means of establishing communist rule that I would come out big and that we all should come out big. It is nearing the time when we are going to have to establish ourselves as Americans with individual rights no government body has the right to infringe without a fight, or we can at least choose our own Tsar. 

Understand the situation we are in. If any Democrat is elected president, this will be the model for fighting climate change. I finally heard this understanding of the situation  broached on talk radio. Finally, someone understood that after we had gone this far, any health issue might be used as an excuse to thus confine us. My thoughts went to the amount of lives that could be saved by keeping the majority of us off the roads, except by the communist practice of “travel permits” allowing us to go to work at pre-determined and acceptable jobs or for specific purposes only, but the idea of combating climate change is equally useful to those wishing to impose communism on America. 

As an avowed capitalist, loving freedom and defending the republic, I find all of this justifiable cause to resist it in any way that effects the wholesale rejection of the obvious agenda at play.


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4 years ago

This one seems most bizarre? Supply lines? emergency access?
Oakland to Close 74 Miles of City Streets While In Lockdown