"CARRBORO, NC — Transgender Day of Visibility is recognized in the Town of Carrboro from Friday, March 28 through Thursday, April 3, 2025, as proclaimed by Mayor Barbara Foushee.
— LOW COUNTRY PATRIOT 369 (@LowCountryBK369) March 24, 2025
The Town of Carrboro stands with, celebrates, and defends its transgender residents and employees,… pic.twitter.com/o75Oi0kipv
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- Martha on Carrboro, NC
More x-rated junk mail comes out of Carrboro than anywhere else I can think of. And I used to deliver US Mail.
Good to know, another place to avoid.
Da Heck is that in the middle? At least if someone shoots up the town hall they’ll know where to look. As a Californian I find this amazing.
I think he runs a scrap yard with his son.
How many can there possibly be in the town ? 10-15 ? Insanity.
What a bunch of degenerates….just as Sodom and Gomorrah burned they too shall burn 🔥
They are unclear on what the word ‘day’ means, evidently.
Common core math…
Evil right in the middle of NC Renegade land.
Something ain’t right down there. Like they missed a genetic on-ramp.
Something really not right here.
Not a single soul willing to exercise their 1st Amendment rights and risk a little to protest about such gay crap.
A few of us in New England called a lawyer buddy for any needed jail backup and showed up to stop a Drag Queen Story hour locally.
Result some back and forth but we didn’t rise to their bait and the local police just stood aside.
The Drag Queen left in a huff (much laughter even from the police) and the school administrator lost her job.
But not so it seems in NC.
At least one of them did .Bwahahaha!
Carrboro is a demon-possessed suburb of chapel hill. Carrboro people all look sickly, like they’ve been eating chalk.
Thought pervert month was over. Guess their angling for at least half the year now.
And of course she’s wearing the dufus mask.
Looks like the cast of a South Park episode.
Here’s how I see it: In days past you had to wait for the Circus to come to town and pay for the entertainment, Carrboro now offers the Freak Show Free!
It’s FREAK DAY in Carrboro! party, party, party!
Make sure to show both sides. Show the transgender persons that have committed murder and violence. They want a “Visibility” day? Show it all!