Cartels, Rocks and War Wagons
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Kellie tucker
Kellie tucker
3 years ago

This is entirely to much when does it stop.

3 years ago

When did the mass invasion into Europe stop? Its still going. Estimates are 15 -- 20 million within 2 years.

3 years ago

Remember back when Obamy was bringing in busloads of Illegals at the border and citizens turned out to protest? It was ineffectual, but at least citizens cared enough to show up. We are either much smarter now or just don’t give a damn anymore….maybe both.
When a government becomes so riddled with corruption it isn’t possible to reform, it also becomes worthless to to support, or ridiculous to defend.
What is left but the haunting words of Cicero floating through the centuries since the decline and fall of Rome. I’m sure many said “Good Riddance”. I for one would have.

Patrick Clark
Patrick Clark
3 years ago

Illegals coming across are charged $7000. Per head, with a 3 day guarantee. So whomever is funding the infiltration of illegal, criminals, is funding the cartels. There are 120 crossing points between Matamoros, and Del Rio. Each “stick” crossing, consists of 18-21 illegals. They operate from sun down, to sun up. When crossing drug loads, the cartel shuts down the two exits left, and right, of the drug load for 1 hour. Approximately 10% of the take is paid to U.S. democrat politicians. And lastly, a pretty, but mostly rusted picket fence is not a wall. An 18ft Recon barrier, is a wall!

3 years ago
Reply to  Patrick Clark

American charities make billions per year for providing social services to illegals. Over 200 billion. The faster those illegals get here, the faster the charities get paid. The charities are often providing transportation for the Central Americans to get here faster.