I will only visit a Hospital or Doctor for a major medical/life threatening issue. I’m fortunate to be married to a nurse. Our Healthcare system has lost all credibility. Do all you can to get healthy and stay healthy. Avoid Doctors and Hospitals at all cost.
I am not sure I can visit even in those conditions. Only if there where naturalpathic hospitals.
All medical records are computerized and open to the feds, HIFFA doesn’t exist, thus all must participate so that choice will not be available. Only choice is learn all you can about medicine and medical procedures, medications, and lay-in meds and natural remedies and medicinal plants.
I will save them the hassle of asking. No I did not take the Mark of the Beast and I do not plan on doing it.
Most doctors have put politics and personal gain over caring for patients. They have in many cases abandon their ethics and moral obligation. The so called oath they took of ‘first do no harm’ has gone by way of the do-do bird. It is truly a shame to see this happen to a profession that was once held in high esteem. In many cases they are now just another set of government lackeys.
The insurance companies own their asses.
Notice there are no “private practices” anymore? They’re all HMOs and subject to corporations.
They have work arounds to the insurance game. Drugs may be a more complicated story but insurance, the doc’s simply need to grow a set and/or make up their minds what they want to be, a slave to corporate america or individual business men and women. Yes it is that simple.
Some doctors do not accept insurance. They charge cash for visits and actually, the care is better. Doctors don’t have to see 8 patients an hr to make $100. , keep the lights on and pay the nurses.
I have one private specialty physician. When I pay $500 to him, I get an entire hour of his time…… never had that in my lifetime til now!!
Additionally, noone can get the files!! I leave with a written and computer generated office note in my possession so if I want to share it, it’s mine to share. Otherwise no insurance company nor our government can get into those records.
that oath hasn’t been taken or held for decades and decades.
I will not go to the institution of death if I can help it. They have become nazi style places of torture, if you think I am way out of line in my comment here, Phyzer is one of their biggest supporters.
Z28.3%er’s club.
Z28.310-Unvaccinated for COVID-19 (Use this code when the patient has not received at least one dose of any COVID-19 vaccine. Effective for dates of service on or after April 1, 2022.)
Now we have a tag to proudly wear.
Thanks for sharing Thomas Angle!
You gave me an idea for a bumper/window sticker.
Fun Camp. Haven’t found the one for my state yet but knowing our Queen it’s being written.
This might help.
And there it is….
Every state has a similar law. I found that disheartening.
All I can say to them is GFYS!
can you spell social credit system, account withheld, subject is vax delinquent?
I am a naturopathic doctor, here in Arkansas it is a felony, as it is in many states! As I mentioned earlier, contact Standard process for doctors in your area, additionally Life Extension has good protocols at LEF.org. Many chiropractors also practice natural medicine.
I switched from engineering to medicine after the NCI withheld life saving medicine from my wife, resulting in her death, in an attempt to steal a discovery!
The medical industry is responsible for about 250,000 deaths per year, and this was before covid and the vaccine. ER is usually pretty good, but be careful about going there with the flu. There are much better alternatives.
I take Vitamin d3, zinc and have horse paste (tablets) on hand!
The practice of medicine should never be an industry. Way too many unknowns!
And Vitamin C @ 6K units per day! (Pers. Comm. from Linus Pauling, a long time ago…) it has served me exceptionally well for decades.
Yup! I believe this will have a connection to what’s coming -- The Mark of the Beast. Although we don’t know the day or hour, we ought to know the season. Get ready Christ followers to Not compromise. When that true Mark arrives, You will have to say NO to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Start telling others and saving souls!
Not sure sure the shot is not the mark. They say they want to make it impossible for you to function in society without it, it is worldwide and it emits a number. I am not sure I would want to take the chance with my eternal salvation.
I read about that…in a very good and reliable book.
I have received 2 phone calls on my cell phone in the last week from CDC, wanting to talk about the jab. I’m Z28.310.
I’m getting me a Z28 (Camaro) T-Shirt !!!!
Just for fun a 302 in the original Z28 when bored .06 over = 310 cubic inches.
This government, the CDC, the NIH have suppressed Lyme Disease for over 30 years, allowing many Americans to become chronically ill and or die from this bacterial infection.
Now they are concerned about the shot again. Inquiring minds should racket up a few more degrees about the how does it work, why close to mandatory, side effects, and honestly, what does the shot do.
Yes it kills people and or gives life long health problems but what is it really for?
There would be a faster and more humane way to kill us all.
I believe the government is looking for a way to stop health care for all people. That’s a way a whole lot of people could die. Wipe out heart attack and stroke care, deliveries of babies, dont operate on anyone. No stitches, no casts, even perhaps no immunizations, like the illegals….