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- WyoLyo on Symbolism
- Defiant Grunt on Constitutional Carry Act
- Sgt Schulz on Constitutional Carry Act
- Phil1350 on ICE Raids
- Phil1350 on ICE Raids
Well … if this is true and is implemented, I expect the kinetic festivities to begin. If Americans tolerate this, they’ll get what they’ve earned.
I’ll try to get you some video when they pull up in my drive . It should be interesting .
Executive order is not a law and has not legal authority. Only Congress has the authority to create a law.
It is a good day to die.
These camps are happening simultaneously with everything else. FEMA & the UN are working on projects which are so similar that one can only conclude they are the same agenda. The biggest problem I see, is that commentators like DeeAnna Lorraine are assuming that “resistance” only comes in the form of people marching in the streets as in France. I know that our resistance is forming because I can feel it, no one wants to speak of it, and all the signs are in place and growing. I’ve been a political political activist since the 1960s and I can tell you that the level of resolve among Americans is like steel. Anyone who is still looking for PTA meetings and marches in the street is still skating on the surface. There really not much left to say. Many, many of us are going to die but not all.
Everyone needs to go buy a bolt/fence cutter now, and add it to their go bag. Any “camp” identified, should be snipped, as fast as it is located.
CDC=Center for Despotic Control.
Will make it easier for the CCP troops in Canada and Mexico to “swoop” in and take over.
For a good defensive shoot, one needs- an articulable imminent threat of death, or serious bodily harm to oneself, or an other.