CEOs, governments speak against North Carolina law

Company CEOs and municipal officials are joining other government and business leaders opposing North Carolina’s new law that prevents specific anti-discrimination rules for LGBT people for public accommodations and restroom use.

The Human Rights Campaign and Equality North Carolina released Friday the names of another 10 company executives that have signed on to a letter criticizing the law and seeking its repeal, bringing the number of names to more than 120. New executives include those from Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Qualcomm and EMC Corp.

The law, approved by the Republican legislature and GOP Gov. Pat McCrory, responded to a Charlotte City Council ordinance approved in February that would have extended protections to gays and lesbians as well as bisexual and transgender people while at hotels, restaurants and stores. Charlotte also would have allowed transgender people to use the restroom aligned with their gender identity.

Separately Friday, the venture capital arm of Google’s parent corporation confirmed it won’t invest in North Carolina startup businesses while the law is in place. GV spokeswoman Jodi Olson cited written comments by CEO Bill Maris in which he asked his firm’s partners to flag possible North Carolina investments because he’s “not comfortable deploying dollars into startups there until the voters there fix this.” The move was first reported by Re/code, a tech-focused news site.



Does North Carolina want these corporations here? This is a question that should be asked and answered. Any company that supports immorality should not be welcome here. They are welcome to go to California or New York. These bankrupt states with $15 minimum wage laws would be happy for their presence to advance Communism.

I also want to thank the corporations that are standing up to support this common sense measure. Since when do supposed human rights supersede the Bible? Since when do supposed human rights supersede the safety of our children? Keep a list of these companies and remember them well.

As for North Carolina business status:

Governor McCrory Announces $237 Million Projected Revenue Surplus

David DeGerolamo

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8 years ago

More so-called “business leaders” engaged in multi-million dollar cosplay.
And for what? Has the viral need for more and bigger ways to practice ‘virtue signalling’ really gone this far, or is there something else in play here?

The very fact that president and CEOs of these huge corporations are willing to undertake major risks to the financial strength of the companies they manage, tells me a great deal about how frail the whole house of cards actually is —

Because if these corporate officers were thinking more than 60~90 days down the road, it would be obvious to them that it is not their duty or responsibility to speak on such matters, being, as they are, so far outside the interests of the company and it stockholders…


Unless all these “corporate leaders” know that the end is so close as to make questions of corporate profits and liability exposure irrelevant…