Charges Dropped But No Media Coverage

See additional comments on Tea Party Nation.

The former public relations spokesperson of the San Diego Tea Party, Michael Kobulnick, has been released after his rape charges were dropped. Did you know that the accuser told the police from the beginning that they arrested the wrong man?

While the media is not reporting the end of the story, the arrest made national headlines and fodder for the left. Will Mr. Kobulnicky be rehired since the charges cost him his job at the San Diego Community College District as a landscape supervisor? And what about the San Diego Police Department. Why did he spend two week in jail before being released?

“The police department went with the best information that we had and the forensic evidence and in a complete investigation we did the best job that we could, and that of course included the arrest of Mr. Kobulnicky,” said San Diego Police Department spokesperson Lt. Andra Brown. “We don’t understand why [the victim] changed her stories, but we do understand the district attorney’s actions.”

Let us hope that this is an isolated incident. With the Department of Homeland Security calling us right-wing extremists, we do not need local governments watching us in conjunction with the federal government.  I hope that you will join me in extending my best wishes to Michael and his future wife.

David DeGerolamo

Sorry Libs… Rape Charges Dropped Against Tea Party “Leader” – They Had the Wrong Guy

Unlike the #occupy movement… Sexual assault charges were dropped against the supposed tea party “leader” Michael Kobulnicky yesterday. There was no rape, kidnapping and sexual assault. The victim accused the wrong man.

Earlier this month the liberal media went wild over the fact that they finally had a violent crime to peg on a former tea party activist.

The man’s name is Michael John Kobulnicky and he is reportedly the former public relations leader of the San Diego Tea Party.

The So Cal Tax Revolt Coalition released a statement, via Lipstick Underground. Kobulnicky is not a member, spokesman or volunteer with the group. But it didn’t matter, Democrats ran with the story anyway.

Yesterday, charges were dropped against Michael John Kobulnicky. The victim identified the wrong man.
MSNBC reported:

Prosecutors have dropped charges against a man accused of sexually assaulting a woman in Fiesta Island.

Michael Kobulnicky, a former San Diego Tea Party spokesperson and Mormon Church leader, had faced charges of kidnapping and sexual assault for a sexual encounter that he said was consensual. Prosecutors dropped all charges Thursday morning.

Kobulnicky was emotional and cried when John Reis, a district attorney, announced that charges were dropped.

He spoke on Thursday after being released, but did not want to talk about the case.

“I just wanted to clear my name,” he said.

Kobulnicky said he lost his job as a result of the incident, and had to cancel his wedding. He said both himself and his fiance “went through hell” during the ordeal.

“The police department went with the best information that we had and the forensic evidence and in a complete investigation we did the best job that we could, and that of course included the arrest of Mr. Kobulnicky,” said San Diego Police Department spokesperson Lt. Andra Brown. “We don’t understand why [the victim] changed her stories, but we do understand the district attorney’s actions.”

The victim of a recent sexual assault spoke in open court Monday claiming the police have arrested the wrong man.

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