Chasing Ghosts: Episode 4 “The Impossibility of Successful Western Counterinsurgency”

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2 years ago

Could you speak in plain english, mister?

2 years ago

What I got out of this is that if we go into another country to take over/remake/usurp/etc. we lose because other countries/cultures/ethnicities have a history far removed from values to which we subscribe at any given time. That holds true only at great cost to both sides over a long period of time resulting in defeat of the agressor. If this discussion is meant to imply that we patriots have a fighting chance of success, I respectfully disagree. Assuming TPTB have done their homework, they realize control of America is a lost cause using failed tactics. In which case, they have set the stage in their favor by inviting every culture available to mix indiscriminately among the population (people having no allegiance to this country and who hate us). Then, through various measures, they have divided the natural American population roughly in half pitting the one against the other whereas one half is relatively cohesive while the other is fractured for various reasons. If all goes according to plan, we will be embroiled in a fight to the death between the two halves which is what they want; and we will have little effect eliminating those in control. Since the main objective is the destruction of America and its population, I see no success regaining the country and restoring order. Every force on the planet will work in tandem ensuring our demise. That does not mean we should not fight. I have no problem with fighting. I’m just saying it will not accomplish what we would like to see. Even those among the invaders will suffer catastrophic losses. But this is the goal of our satanic leaders.