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8 years ago

The sword is actually in reference to the action of TRUTH of the WORD of YHVH and HIS Commanded INSTRUCTIONS to inflict swordlike strike separation between Family members who have for generations been disobedient and in defiance, and in sin. They have broken the COVENANT made with Abrahamn. He (Yeshua) is referencing those Instructions and Laws given to us by YHVH. It is a warning to the generations of sinful family members who no longer teach these Instructions and are no longer obedient to them. Splitting up a mother from her child, a father from his son, as a result of Pharisee manmade religion and Canaan’s sinful disposition .
He is warning to come back to THE COVENANT LAWS! Come back to the TORAH.
Western Man is no longer teaching the original Instructions given him by YHVH, when Abraham made the COVENANT and promised to forever teach and obey these instructions to ALL the generations of his seed. We have been out of the GRACE of YHVH for our disobedience for a long long time.
YHVH gave us these instructions found in the first five books of the “bible”. The TORAH.
No one following any western roman greek based doctrine of christian religion, or synagogue led by rabbinical Pharisee manmade laws, or any so called reformed church today, is adherent or obedient to HIS Laws any longer. We are far off course.
Instead, most have chosen by their own will to not conduct their own due diligence study of the actual origins of their religious beliefs, and they just adopt whatever is spoon-fed to them by their forefathers or the “church” they visit weekly, to live and practice in the belief of a religion called christianity. Which is a religion based of Roman doctrines. The Jews of this world are mostly now following the Pharaseeic tribe of Judah’s, rabbinical manmade rules, and their tribes traditions. So today what we have is TWO manmade religions who have written and adopted a whole NEW religion with their own feasts, and a whole calendar that has nothing to do with the original instructions or the signs we were commanded to use to begin to count up the days to know when to honor the Creator at HIS appointed times and Feasts.

YHVH makes the RULES of HIS LAW. NOT Men.


8 years ago

In the end when all of mankind are standing before God the book will be opened and judgement will begin.The Church people or so called righteous will argue with God and tell him, have we not preached your word and done mighty deeds in thy word, and God will say to them get away from me I never knew you, you workers of iniquity, and into hell they will be sent for all eternity. this is where the church/congregation and synagogues of satan are headed. heed the warning, if you are in a church such as this, flee as fast as you can from it because your soul will be in peril.