Cherokee County Commissioners’ Public Hearing – Budgeting for Agenda 21

The above video was filmed in Murphy, North Carolina on June 18, 2012. This commissioners’ meeting was presented as a public forum to give input on the upcoming fiscal year’s county operating budget. Dr. Dan Eichenbaum gives a presentation on the Southwestern Commission’s role in Agenda 21 using their own publication. Cherokee County provides $18,000 of taxpayers’ monies to support this commission. As seen in this video, the citizens in attendance were against funding this commission. Commission Steve Jordan (D) made a motion after the presentation to defund the commission for one year. Commissioners Lorraine Meltz (R) and David Wood (R) would not second his motion so no further action could be taken and neither dissenting commissioner would be on record as voting for an Agenda 21 agency.
David DeGerolamo

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12 years ago

Excellent job Dr Dan!!

Mike Clampitt
12 years ago

Hopefully more people will listen and stand up to the subversive UN Agendas’.