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- kal kal on Congressional Weasels
Ferals find “free” fixtures !!
Bet their momma is soooo proud of them !!
Railyard’s kinda like the mall in Chicago, huh?
Well we can clearly see what crowd it happens to be…the usual.
Same thing happens in Los Angeles, regularly. Not that long ago, an entire container of electric bikes was stolen.
Diversity is our strength, or something.
Just democrats Christmas shopping.
Some people did something.
-Ilhan Omar
They should have all been shot dead right on the spot. This type of corruption is coming straight to our front doors and how we handle it will depend on us not being fearful of the government goon squad run by the Marxist’s pigs. Our families lives will be in the crosshairs if we do nothing and we will all wind up dead for inaction and fear. . Me personally I will shoot them until every one of them are dead and their stinking bodies burned. Don’t worry about the police any longer they have lost all respect and there corrupted one sides laws are meaningless now.
High impact items would cure the rabid animal problem in Chicago. Is that where obummer is from?
Nairobi, Kenya.
Not only obummer. Chicago was the birth place of the Communist Party USA and it’s headquarters until 1927, it’s still a bastion of all thst is wrong in the world
Where be da PO-leeece?
Kamala’s America indeed, scumbags all. It’s called de-evolution for you science types. I’ll just call them Beast minions.
This happens on a daily basis in Chicago. Usually after dark. The States Attorney for Cook County (Chicago) is a George Soros fan. Her name is Kim Fox. She is a black racist and communist. She refuses to incarcerate black criminals. It’s called “restorative justice”. They actually have a college course called that. She says theft is an insurance issue, not a criminal issue. Your future, if you choose to accept it.
The message is clear. This behavior is happening no2 when what passes for “normal” prevails. If you live anywhere close to a Swedish neighborhood like this one when SHTF, you are doomed. Once the EBT cards become useless and the welfare payments stop, for you all is lost. “No one is coming to save you.”
Shame on all those white people!! oh, wait…
Go ahead! You can say it!
“Lawless Amish!”
Back in the 90’s a bunch of the Big Stores like Sears donated a bunch of Toys and Video Games to be given as presents at the Grade school in Cabrini Green during the last day before Christmas break. The Babies Mommas and Street Walker Ho’s heard about it and Bumrushed the School before the assembly and stole everything. The Ho’s were selling them on Division Street. It made the National News.