Child brides allowed at Danish Asylum Centers: “Children allowed to sleep with their older husbands on the weekends”

Girls down to the age of 14 seek asylum in Denmark as child brides. The younger ones stay at a special asylum center for children. Many of them have a husband with a residence permit. They are allowed to sleep with their older husbands on the weekends.

Several political parties wish to stop this. Naser Khader (very responsible conservative who is pretty much against Islam all together) says that these people should not be allowed to get asylum at all.

Sofie Carsten Nielsen from the political party “De radikale” literally translating to “The radicals” says: “It is in regards to the law the same as mismanagement of children. If a 14 year old is married, it must be arranged. The asylum center and police need to respond to this.

Integration Minister Inger Støjberg (very hated for her stand on immigration) wants to stop that the children are allowed to sleep with their husbands in the weekends. Age of consent in Denmark is according to a quick Google search 15 years old. You can get married at 18.


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Tom Angle
9 years ago

There is only one solution to the problem.

9 years ago

I would castrate every islamic and have there scrotums shoved down there throats, this is the only answer besides death to every Muslim.

9 years ago

Marriage -- a Covenant between a man, a woman, and God.

muslims cannot have a valid marriage because they do not believe in or worship God. They all worship “allah” which is another name of Satan, the great deceiver, the devil himself, who is incapable of instituting any covenant bond whatsoever.

Therefore, none of their “marriages” are valid, nor need be recognized by any government authority, for any purpose whatsoever.

Consequently, no custody of a child by a muslim man may be recognized as valid, because there is no status of fatherhood as would be conferred by a legitimate marriage.

Without a marriage or fatherhood status, it is obvious that no muslim man may claim any government benefit, refugee maintenance, or other financial amolument as a “head of household” -- because their “households” are not legitimate and cannot be recognized.

Consequently, no muslim man in any Western nation can or may rightfully resist an order for deportation, by claiming a right to remain with “dependants” who are not being deported along with him.

Therefore, round up every last muslim man in Europe, and deport them by force, post haste. Kill those who resist, where they stand, without hesitation. They are an invading army, and ought to be treated as such. Women and children of muslim observance can be processed for deportation once the men have all been disposed of.

And, in the event that muslim men resist deportation or commit terrorist acts, whether within Europe, or anywhere else in the civilized world -- well, those women and children are held in bond as collateral against any such willful and murderous acts, and should be handled accordingly, at a rate of 100 to 1.

That is, for every European killed by a muslim, regardless of where, then 100 muslim women and children ought to be destroyed, forthwith. And it ought to be done in such fashion as the muslims believe would prevent their entry into their kingdom of allah -- i.e. by being fed, alive, to a herd of famished pigs.

Horrifc. I know. But if you intend to reach the miniscule mind of these subhuman demons, then you have to operate within an understanding of what, exactly, they believe in, and what they consider important. Well, irredeemable death -- that is, a death which precludes the person’s entry into their image of “heaven” -- is one of the very few things which matters to them, and therefore it must be employed to greatest effection on the otherwise intractable armies of jihaddi men.

Another essential point to employ in the necessary castration of islam as a violent force, is their obsession with the kabba -- that cube-like structure at Mecca, which supposedly houses their most reveered relics. Because they must all face kabba to pray 5 times daily, and are all bound to make pilgrimage to the kabba at least once in their lifetime -- the kabba is a perfect target for the employment of nuclear weapons. Ideally, nuclear “bunker buster” bombs would be used, which would excavate the entire city of Mecca and cast it into the atmosphere, pulverized in it’s entirety, to be dispersed by the winds. No mecca would remain. No kabba would remain. All would be scattered, and in such a fashion which would preclude any reconstitution, leaving muslims with an insoluble conumdrum -- which way to face when praying (and not to face when defecating -- and no, I’m not practising humor here, it really is a muslim concern).

The destructive force of such a disposal would go far, far beyond the physical… it would invalidate islam in its entirety, everywhere around the world. Period. For their most fundamental belief is that their god, allah, is invincible. Thus their mnemonic chanting of ‘allahu akbar’ every time they commit an act of terrorism, murder, or destruction. The chant ‘allahu akbar’ literally means “our god is greatest”. Thus, by destroying the kabba and their “holy city” of Mecca, we would be physically proving their belief to be invalid and foolish.

I highly recommend this disposal of Mecca and the kabba, as a necessary part of effectively and finally defeating the intrinsically violent belief-system which is islam. My preference would be to do so at the height of the Hajj, when the most muslim men would be summarilly vaporized -- not because of the increased loss of life, per se -- but because this would maximize the shock-value of the demonstration that their ‘god’ not only isn’t greatest, but was entirely powerless to prevent Kafers (infidels) from destroying the ‘focal point’ of their entire religious observance, and decimating their population, at a single stroke.

This proposition probably offends the morals of nearly everyone who will read it. But the fact is, it would prove to be the most effective means of pacifying the muslim population of the world, with the least bloodshed and collaterral damage; and would cause the least social disruption in the Western world. As such, this solution *must* be seriously considered ,and any politician who denies said proposition fails the test of having his society’s best interest in mind. Period.

Since muslims are the aggressors, then the fight should be brought to them --
In WW-II, we bombed Berlin repeatedly and mercilessly upon this single principle: not only because we believed Hitler was there, but beacuse it was the cultural as well as the logistical center of the Nazi regime. Without Berlin there effectively could be no Nazi Reich.

Well, Mecca is their Berlin. It is the single place, in all the world, to which they all turn as muslims -- it encapsulates everything which is islam…to every last one of them. And therefore, destroying it so utterly is a universally transitive act -- the physical destruction at Mecca transmits a mental copy of said destruction into the mind of every believer in the world; rendering ever muslim belief to be unfounded, and every muslim motivation for action to be corrupt and void. And THIS is the necessary outcome upon which ending muslim violence must be founded. You cannot end muslim violence without ending islam. They are one in the same.

There are no “moderate muslims”; and only Taqiyya and Dhimitude say otherwise. Their image of “heaven” is only for muslims warriors, who have committed great acts of jihad. As such, they will *never* cease to be violent, for any reason short of the total invalidation of their belief system.

Ricky tick -- it’s already later than most would care to think…