I have been closely watching the Chinese markets for the Evergrande fallout. The world’s markets will collapse based on this one pyramid scheme. And this collapse will happen quickly and soon. Our markets have been down for the past four trading sessions but the price of gold will also be a key indicator. Currently, gold is up $31.80 $34.90 an ounce in the past few hours. But that is irrelevant as the fiat currencies collapse with all of the world’s economies.
David DeGerolamo
Would you use a jewelry saw to barter with metals, if only had bars and needed smaller portions…i guess investing in some decent saws, and non digital scales would be wise.
I ordered lots of different size weights to use. This way i can make my own “balance beem system” if needed to barter in weight.
Triple beam is like $150 now. Crazy
Buy junk silver. Would you accept a chunk of what I claim is 4 grams of gold as gold without testing it? You might be able to test it but most won’t know how. I wouldn’t accept a mercury dine that was cut in half.
Wrong. Evergrande is a China problem. But China has all the tools it needs to paste this over and everything there being CCP controlled, they will. ALL of the Evergrande assets are in China. Only foreign investors may be screwed. But not likely. There will be no contagion.
The Australian pension fund would disagree with your statement.
David, here is an interview, between Greg Hunter and Bill Holter, that makes your point in spades:
Bet on it.
My 37 years of experience of managing millions of dollars tells me that, yes indeed, we will be seeing the “Mother of All Financial” collapses soon.
let’s not forget that Lenovo, who makes the world’s number one business laptop, is 100% owned and marketed by the Chinese Communist Party. U.S. companies have interfaced millions of them with their servers for execs. Talk about getting an enemy nose under out tent.
China’s out of power. Possibly an unintended consiquence of Biden”s war on coal. But no matter. They’re running their factories 1 day a week. We are currently not suffering from a “Supply Chain” crisis. We’re suffering from a transportation crisis. The Supply Chain Crisis will hit soon. And it’s going to be fugly. That’s what happens when you rely on your enemy as a vendor.
Was it Bidens war on coal or Australia refusing to sell to them?