China is hoarding food…I hope you are too.

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3 years ago

We now hoard food like rats.
Today, the trap door is open and the attackers are pouring out. They are in plain view, working their craft to ensnare us into a Scientific Dictatorship.

Yet, Americans continue in oblivion, distracted by every imaginable political sideshow that has no substance, and entertained by a constant parade of bread and circuses.

Our epitaph could well read, “America: Alas, She Died In Her Sleep”.

In the meantime, there are thousands of Americans diligently defending their local communities from the various tentacles of Technocracy: Smart Grid, property rights abuses, 5G rollout, government mandated vaccinations, surveillance cameras, global warming and so many more.

To have any significant impact to actually STOP Technocracy, this force needs to replicate itself at scale and with great speed.