Integrated optics provides a versatile platform for quantum information processing and transceiving with photons. The implementation of quantum protocols requires the capability to generate multiple high-quality single photons and process photons with multiple high-fidelity operators. However, previous experimental demonstrations were faced by major challenges in realizing sufficiently high-quality multi-photon sources and multi-qubit operators in a single integrated system, and fully chip-based implementations of multi-qubit quantum tasks remain a significant challenge . Here, we report the demonstration of chip-to-chip quantum teleportation and genuine multipartite entanglement, the core functionalities in quantum technologies, on silicon-photonic circuitry. Four single photons with high purity and indistinguishablity are produced in an array of microresonator sources, without requiring any spectral filtering. Up to four qubits are processed in a reprogrammable linear-optic quantum circuit that facilitates Bell projection and fusion operation. The generation, processing, transceiving and measurement of multiphoton multi-qubit states are all achieved in micrometre-scale silicon chips, fabricated by the complementary metal–oxide– semiconductor process. Our work lays the groundwork for large-scale integrated photonic quantum technologies for communications and computations.
There is a theory that the lower the cost of energy, the higher the level of freedom. The government has taken this one step further: the less money the people have (through excessive taxation and regulatory policies), the lower the level of freedom. They feel that this policy gives them more power and they do not feel the need to share with the deplorables.
The above information was published on December 23, 2019 but the concept of quantum entanglement has been known since 1935. Imagine instantaneous transmission of communications without any limitation of distance. I do believe that the “government” will be releasing some of this new technology as it pertains to the newly minted Space Force. The point is that medical, scientific and energy breakthroughs are funded by the people’s taxes but the government has no reason to share this information. If Donald Trump is correct and the AIDs epidemic will be eradicated within 10 years, this medical breakthrough concerning rapidly evolving viruses will have wide reaching applications. As does HGH treatment. But why would the government want to have people live longer? We are just a drain on the system if we are not paying taxes and are collecting Social Security. Imagine a law that would allow you to receive these life extending breakthroughs IF you decline your pensions, IRA payments and any Social Security/Medicare benefits.
Then again, why would I think the government would try to benefit mankind?
David DeGerolamo
“But why would the government want to have people live longer?”
Explore your assumption(s). If FedGov can breed healthier, stronger, longer living draft-animals to work its’ plantation, then the age of and quantity of retirement benefits can be pushed back. The state is the winner … you work harder and longer … and yet, you lose.
Abraham Lincoln did not cause the death of so many people from a mere love of slaughter, but only to bring about a state of consent that could not otherwise be secured for the government he had undertaken to administer. When a government has once reduced its people to a state of consent – that is, of submission to its will – it can put them to a much better use than to kill them; for it can then plunder them, enslave them, and use them as tools for plundering and enslaving others. And these are the uses to which most governments, our own among the rest, do put their people, whenever they have once reduced them to a state of consent to its will. -- Lysander Spooner, Forced Consent.
Play the game … consent to be plundered by the prevailing majority.
The only winning move is not to play. (WarGames, 1983)
Imagine a world where people can afford to buy the products and technology to live longer, healthier lives. Like George Soros and most Hollywood “stars”. If the rest of the world could also enjoy this life, they would not be “special”.
The looters do not want us living longer to rape us; they want to eliminate our culture and replace it with a feudal lord system in their new world order.
Sounds like the Rockwell retro encabulator.
It is not.