Choose Your Own Adventure: Chinese Spy Balloon

Readers of a certain age may remember the children’s book series Choose Your Own Adventure which was popular in the 1990s. The unique feature of these books was that they put the reader at the center of the action and allowed them to choose among several possible options to advance the narrative. This created the situation in which participants could read the exact same material but arrive at completely different conclusions based on which path they chose to follow. Thus, there was no one correct interpretation of what had taken place and trying to explain the story in a coherent manner was virtually impossible by design.

Fast forward to our present day in which the recent media narrative of the Chinese Spy Balloon presents the exact same real-life scenario.

Just the headline – “Chinese Spy Balloon” – is an assemblage of words that seem simultaneously sinister and ridiculous.

China is a Communist tyranny that has murdered and enslaved countless millions since its inception. It suffers no consequences after unleashing a plague upon the earth because our home-grown tyrants bow in obsequious submission and admiration to its hegemony, Its very presence on our shores would be cause for alarm in a sane nation.

Spying is an act of war. In a time when China actively spies under the thin disguise of engineers, CIA operatives, military reservists, college professors, diplomats, businessmen, the spy app in your pocket and even Mar-a-Lago visitors, why resort to something as inconcealable and obvious as a gigantic floating bag of air?

That the object was a balloon just adds to the lack of seriousness and buffoonery of the entire episode. What could be sinister about a children’s toy and party decoration?

Thus, there are the endless possible paths of interpretation for this event.

We could follow the “Official Narrative Path” of “Nothing to See Here.” This was the line taken by Government officials who assured us they knew what was going on and had everything under control the entire time the balloon made its journey across the Pacific, into Alaska and through the Northwest, until it was finally reported by a local Montana station and could no longer be ignored. Yes, the balloon was being used to spy, but not “bad” spying. Just your run-of-the-mill Chinese Communist spying over the country they now own. It also couldn’t be shot down over sparse Montana because it might harm the children. Best to just let it finish its course. As for China, they claimed the object was nothing more than a weather balloon that had drifted off course. Echoes of Roswell anyone?

There’s the “What About-ism Path” of “Trump Did It, Too!!!!” This was the talking point of those who supported a Deep State who undermined Trump at every opportunity, leaked like a bottomless sieve, and are on record pledging to tip off China over any US interests.

There’s the “Path of the Neocons” who never miss an opportunity to remind you how much they loathe you Jesus worshipping racist knuckle draggers in fly-over country.

Just in time for Black History Month there’s the “Diversity Path” that manages to squeeze a D-I-E angle out of this scenario.

Then there’s the saddest path of all, that of the “Red Blooded American Cos-Player” who likes to live out the fantasy that one day he will actually use his 2nd Amendment Right in the way the Founder’s intended.

In the end, does it really matter which of these paths we take? It matters only in that there IS an objective truth even though our media, our leaders, and we ourselves don’t recognize it. In a country where we pick whichever path we want for purely personal reasons, there is nothing holding us together. There is no overriding narrative – except that the narratives we are being fed are not to be trusted. And with each new week there is yet another chaotic Adventure to try to work our way through.

So, this is the way our country ends. Not with a bang, but a pop.

Wyatt Thomas

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1 year ago

”So, this is the way our country ends. Not with a bang, but a pop.”

This was in the making for many decades, and is a reflection of the men no longer functioning as leaders in homes and throughout society as a whole (and on occasions when they are, people often can’t relate to them, with most people having divergent backgrounds and being uneducated as to life skill sets, as well as pertinant national instruction (government, law, history) and functional economic understanding upon graduation). Therefore they enter the workplace from a position of subservience with no bargaining power, and an increasing expectation on the part of the employer for them to be order takers and followers (largely the extent of the employer-employee dynamic), in order for wages to increase, with regards to maintaining the status quo. With the primary economy being a low-wage service economy, this is damaging and demeaning, as well as contradictory in contrast to those touting that capitalism equates to freedom, for instance. People see that it’s all exhaustive and circular in terms of where it leads them. This denotes unsustainability for a so-called constitutional republic.

1 year ago
Reply to  Z-La

Good points. There is a big difference between a free market and monopolistic capitalism and little difference between it and communism! Just as there is a big difference between a democracy and a republic based on freedom!
The unsustainable constitutional republic occurs when it is replaced by a democracy and monopolistic capitalism!

Americans seem to not want freedom to make stuff but a democracy to get stuff from others.

1 year ago

There is likely to be a bang, and then lots of poop when it happens, the best of both worlds! Does it really matter how the fall occurs? The important issue is are you ready?
Tempus fugit.

1 year ago

“Meet the ace pilot…the Black Tom Cruise who destroyed the China balloon…”
Guess I missed the part where the balloon was shooting back?*
*Every action by our woke/despicable fedgov is Kabuki theater.

1 year ago
Reply to  TakeAHardLook

An “ace” is a pilot that has shot down at least 5 enemy aircraft. I don’t know what his resume looks like, but my guess is he doesn’t have five confirmed kills.

Elder Son
1 year ago

The United State Government gave the keys to America to China 50 years ago. It was the republicans that gave them that key.

China said thank you very much and began its modernization.

Now the republicans proclaim everything wrong with American is China’s fault.

Screenshot 2023-02-10 at 10-49-08 GETTR - The Marketplace of Ideas.png
tom finley
tom finley
1 year ago
Reply to  Elder Son

The Clinton China scandal of the 90s -- Search Elder son, I do not think it was only one side of the uni-party that committed this treason.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

“Prophecy -- EMP (electro magnetic pulse)” -- U B Ready

“Balloo Prophecy” -- Robin D. Bullock