Chris Harper-Mercer Connection to Radical Islam?

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9 years ago

WWIII has already begun -- they just haven’t announced it yet.

9 years ago

And O’Dummy and his media whore narrative reader elites have already begun taken to the stage in denial and not mentioning the murderers ties to islam or what ever islamic group his affiliated with. they are tone deaf as well as the idiot sodomite in the empty suit. his denials begun yesterday of how it was not about terrorism, when in fact it has all to do with these anti Christs. the sodomite has allowed these evil terrorists to enter our country and the blood of these people go right to the oval office and rest directly upon his demonic shoulders. he should and must be charged with high crimes at some point for the murders of all Christians world wide due to his very wicked and evil policies. This demon hates Christians and you can see , its all over his face and its in his eyes, and he has made good on his promises to destroy our heritage and birthright. he hates us and our children, and he wants to see us all murdered.