NC Listen, NCFIRE, Moore Tea Citizens, NC Voter Integrity Project and members of Forsyth Constitutional Patriots will have an “action day” at the North Carolina General Assembly on 27 May and WE NEED YOUR help for a couple of hours. We will have handouts for you and let you know what to do……..
Our purposes are:
- to STOP NC House Bill 328, a bill to give legal driver’s permits to illegal immigrants,
- to promote NC House Bill 318- a bill to protect jobs for citizens, not illegal immigrants, and
- to promote HB100 which would allow access to names of people who have been excused from jury duty, because they are NOT a citizen of the USA, so that those names can be compared to the NC voter rolls for removal!
The last time illegals got driver’s permits in North Carolina, illegals from all over the nation came to North Carolina. The number of illegals in North Carolina increased from 30,000 to over 300,000.
If we do it again we will be the only state in the southeast to give legal driving privileges to illegals and become, yet again, a magnet. What do you think this will do to our state budget…….guess who will pay the bill for government services to more illegals……that’s right… And any state-issued ID and driver’s permit will make it easier for illegals to Vote.
We also support NC Senate Bill SB 694 which passed the NC Senate and is now in the NC House and this bill goes after scofflaws who hire illegal immigrants and don’t pay Worker’s Comp insurance.
We need to contact State Legislators in person in Raleigh at the NC General Assembly.
Plan to come to Raleigh on Wednesday, May 27th @ 10am at the NC General Assembly Building (16 West Jones Street) in Raleigh. We’ll meet in the southwest court, a public area to the left as you walk in the front door of the General Assembly building off of Jones Street.
We need a significant showing. We will visit offices of the NC Senate and NC House. We will have handouts, let you know which offices to visit, and let you know what to do. Small groups of us will spread out to accomplish this. It’s worked in the past.
Reply to Ron Woodard ( and let him know you are coming.
Thank you for your support!
James Johnson
President- NCFIRE
North Carolinians For Immigration Reform and Enforcement– website
@NCFIREJames– Twitter– Facebook
NCFIRE Hotline– 1-855-NCFIRE1