SHOCK REPORT: Scenes of imminent civil war continue to emerge out of Venezuela..
— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) July 29, 2024
Maduro’s Army now purportedly firing on
The Bolivarian National Guard of Venezuela defies Nicolás Maduro's orders to suppress the protesters, and joins them in their march toward Guarenas. Change is coming.
— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) July 29, 2024
Nothing sparks a civil war like thugs in the military firing upon the civilian population… hopefully the people of Venezuela rise up and start tossing the commies into ditches ablaze with burning truck tires… just a happy thought. Once a government starts to put down protests with ultra-violence it’s over for that government. I would be that every empty beer bottle and glass container at hand is now being converted into Molotov cocktails… another happy thought.
You know the old saying, You can vote your way into socialism, But you have to Shoot your way out!
This might have been easier for the people if they hadn’t willingly given up their guns to the first commie president. I wonder if the 2nd A has been any hindrance to the bolshevik’s plans for us or are we living a pipe dream? I keep hearing talk about ‘civil war’ but I don’t see that happening. What I possibly see is a contrived race war that the bolsheviks have planned and will lead to Martial Law.
I believe you are correct, Sir! The thing that gets me, is they seem to be trying to give citizen status to the imports, as a way of gaming the system… non-citzens do not enjoy citizen status nor benefits (thus the meaning of the word!), so I don’t know why this is even a debate, but here we are! They are attacking the fundamental definitions of our language. Vaccine’s that aren’t, citizens that aren’t, women that aren’t… It’s inversion, and it’s on purpose. There is one entity throughout time who works this way. That is what we’re dealing with folks.
Will we see this reaction in this country in November?
I wonder if people stateside watching this are thinking about that…? We readers here all lament the previous election, and none of us doubt for one second that the dem’s are going to try to steal it again.
But are we going to go out in the street, are we going to march on the capital, with weapons this time, and confront the military and police apparatus that will be deployed against us? You know the fences will go up around the capital, the DC police will be deployed on Nov 4th, hell, I’d wager the Nat’l guard is going to come in, cuz THEY KNOW it’s going to get ugly, no matter who is declared the winner.
You all know it’s coming, but does the rest of the country grok that yet? TINVOTWOOT means you don’t sit there on your keyboard and complain about it until next election (which is exactly what’s happened!), but I still don’t see American’s doing what Venezuela just did. Each state should surround it’s capital, it’s government buildings, it JUDGES, and let them all know in no uncertain terms, we will not stand for this any longer. We don’t all need to carpool to DC, to hell with Mordor on the Potomac, take your STATE back, take your COURTS back, and fuck Joe Biden and the rest of the federal government.
Keep it local, easier to contain and gain control.
I like that.
Sadly, if the people start prevailing against the commie government in Venezuela, the US will step in to assist the Venezuelan government, and not the people overthrowing it. We’ve seen this movie before.
Not true.
UN Blue Helmets
Coming soon to the US streets. Face it…no matter how much you want to pretend it won’t be…IT WILL. HONEST and FAIR elections are the way nations achieve PEACEFUL transitions of power. WE NO LONGER HAVE THOSE EITHER. So there you go. Ammo up and be prepared. Gonna be a long November.
There are only a handful of nations on earth where the people do NOT need to similarly rise up and overthrow their criminal government…and I could be underestimating how many don’t.