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- 173dVietVet on Suka
- Snotty Boy on A Good Observation
- DWEEZIL THE WEASEL on Trump on Fire
- Big Ruckus D on Suka
- wv citybilly on Suka
Good morning,
i just returned from my “typical” saturday outing. listening to the morning radio show as a guy tells me of testing, testing of all and possibly a a wrist band to show that we are allowed to come out and re-join society. i am sickened, i feel again like they are delivering a punch in the gut, to go along with the others. What in the hell are we doing?
We are all lab rats in this experiment! And the sheeple yell hooray for their Heroes!
All the Heroe worship has not left with the demise of foozeball, (water boy) concerts, award shows, and the like it is refocused on others.
All those who have been ORDERED by the “Worlds Authorities” to stay home, are they also “Heroes?”
And yet we ( some of us know) that God is not a respecter of persons.
i am very very angry at the flat out stupidity, the endless contradictions, and lies! i am even more upset that so many seemingly do not See it.
i am concerned that if i point out the futility of what they are doing and how they should be doing it (if the threat were True and real) it would give them cause to go further down the road to LOCKDOWN!
I don’t think the “pandemic”, itself, will trigger it but those trying to control it, will.
By telling people they have to stay home or by limiting people’s travels, they’re violating people’s right to freedom of travel and assembly.
In general, folks have enough common sense to do the right thing and avoid contact and then there are those who, no matter who says what, will do as they please. You can’t fix “stupid”, folks.
Frankly, I don’t get it. They tell you you can’t “congregate” but the grocery stores are full of people.
They say some businesses are “non-essential”…who decides this, how and why?
And why, when religious places are of utmost importance, especially at this time, are they arresting folks for attending?
As I see it, they’re using this emergency to usurp religous liberties and they have NO RIGHT to. This is a clear violation of our civil rights.
But that’s just my humble opinion…of course.
Our grocery store is (Now) one way in and one way out (exit) but while in the store, it is business as usual. Chuckle. What have these do- gooders accomplished? They are laughable in their schemes and grand ideas!
It will be intersesting to see what they do about the Pastor and people in Louisiana who will not comply.
There is much more going on here than is on the surface!
IMHO; I believe this “virus” is real and it IS deadly. But it’s not as dangerous as they claim. And I also think it was “set free” intentionally, as a “weapon of indignation” as prophecied long ago.
But, again, that’s just my opinion.
I agree with your assessment. I believe the measures taken by the government have significantly slowed the disease. Imagine if the CDC had not lied when they said not to wear masks and not to buy 2 weeks supply of food.
It is my firm belief that the “left”, the MSM, the CDC and the WHO, but I repeat myself, ALL lied and they ALL covered for the Chinese; especially the “Pravda” MSM
Face it, they want us either under complete control of dead; either will do for them.
Think back to the “Georgia Guidestones”, folks. They couldn’t be more obvious if they slapped us in the face.
Again, my opinion.
I think it’s coming. I research civil wars before writing the book. They are quite common.
There will be no civil war. It is not in the PLAN!
Sherie, you may be correct in your statement, that “there will be no civil war. It is not in the PLAN.” But who’s plan are you referencing to?
There are coordinated plans and actions that have been and continue to be systematically implemented over decades by the Bilderberg Group / CFR / communist / education system at all levels / Foundations / Frankfurt School / global corporations / globalist / government and state employee unionist / Kabbalist / NGO’s / socialist / Trilateral Commission / UN / Zionist / etc.. that are all leading to the Rothschild -- Rockefeller / Freemasonry / Rosicrucian goal of a political and economic consolidation, a Novus Ordo Seclorum, under a global centralized New Age of Atlantis government.
Of course, those antichrist groups listed above, and their powerful forces of secret societies that are aligned with them, want the overall population to believe that in fact, they are too entrenched, too well financed, and too well organized to be stopped. This view is being encouraged by the corporate / globalist mocking bird media. They are also accomplishing this by what Zbigniew Brzezinski called the use of psychotronic mind control of populations. With these mind control methods, they believe an uncivil war will not be necessary to bring about their end goal, and in fact, the general population will be conditioned to desire it.
Inasmuch, as the technocratic forces for the Novus Ordo Seclorum appear to be unstoppable, their very plans, and actions, are resulting in reactions of Unintended Consequences that are, and will be unimaginable by the those very same psychopathic / sociopathic organizations. John Mark and Curt Doolittle (The Propertarien Institute) are one example of such Unintended Consequences that will help counter the technocratic forces for the Novus Ordo Seclorum.
It is becoming apparent to an ever increasing segment of the general population that the leviathan, and empire, we call the United States Government and it’s state proxies have become unmanageable and have much contempt for freedom and Christian beliefs. Practically ever day government agencies at all levels are announcing more and more unconstitutional dictatorial powers, and by their demonstrated actions they are trampling on the Bill of Rights.
The Propertarien Institute, unlike many freedom groups, provide solutions that are achievable, and would bring about favorable conditions for what John Mark calls the Grass Roots Right. However, other Unintended Consequences may result in considerable friction as the entrenched antichrist organizations will not relinquish their death grip on their power without effective strategies, tactics, actions, and much sacrifice by the Grass Roots Right in order to achieve freedom and a small limited government.
John Mark accurately points out that there are more freedom loving American Patriots then there are anti freedom centralized government types, therefore, in an uncivil war American Patriots will win. He is correct, although, we should keep in mind, that the United States or as Thomas Jefferson would write the united States with a small letter u, as the individual States are sovereign, not, what many people call, the United States with a capital letter U. It was always a Federal government not a national government.
I would like to mention, that having a majority or superior number of Patriots is not necessary in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the Propertarien Institute, keep our Christian beliefs, and expand our freedom. Having a small number of committed Patriots that never talk about their activities to anyone, under any circumstances, other than to their small group is all that is required to win. As an example, the entire might and force of Great Britain was never able to defeat the Irish Republican Army. It is interesting to note, that the IRA never had more than 200 people in the group, fire arm ownership was banned in their country, so they had to travel to other countries in order to learn how to handle and accurately shoot fire arms. The goal of the IRA was to bring about a communist country, as they were communist anti freedom group which is a black mark against them.
The Grass Roots Right holds anti freedom communist / globalist groups in contempt and believe freedom and Christian beliefs are sacred. The Grass Roots Right is to a large extend well armed and firearms trained. Freedom is in the DNA of all American Patriots. There can never, under any circumstances, be any compromise regarding the ownership for firearms and the second amendment.
Will the antichrist / communist / globalist forces agree to the solutions as outlined by the Propertarien Institute? My guess is they will not agree, however, Unintended Consequences will favor Christian values, freedom and small limited decentralized government.
John Mark is a Statist FYI.
Any “ism” that seeks to limit Freedom of Speech is unbelievably dangerous.