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3 years ago

Not trying to get off task, but you can easily see your facial features, outline, etc. through the yellow part of your gator. Black part of the gator with snake and stars completely breaks up facial outline. Enjoyed the video and hope you do not take my comments as being critical.

Ace of Aces
Ace of Aces
3 years ago

Thank You very much for posting this video.
I grew up in a farming and ranching community. At least 80% of the community were WW2 veterans who raised their family’s over about a hundred mile area. I remember dances being held once or twice a month, where everyone came for miles around to pack a dance hall with a potluck, or a barbeque. Everyone knew everybody. Men would get together and talk, women did the same and the kids played.
If someone had a bad year -- everyone showed up -- and a hat was passed around. That collection was given to that family whether that family was liked or not. One year, my family lost 36 head of yearling cattle to a lightning strike -- no insurance. So, at the next regular dance the hat was passed and approximately $36,000 was collected for us.
Then farmers and ranchers started buying satellite dishes. Smaller farms started getting bought up into bigger operations as those veterans retired. Their kids moved away to the cities seeking a more stable income. As a result dance halls have been empty for years. The cohesive relationships that have developed over the decades have declined by design.
I have lived for the past 20 years in three big cities. No one knows their neighbor. No one even attempts to know their neighbor. And, no body trust their neighbor. They sit at their computers, text on their phones, and watch never ending Netflix -- which equals few cohesive relationships. If people fall into hard times -- my experience has been that people will ignore it, or do very little to help out.
However, you who have served in the military, just like the men and women of my childhood have that bond of trust and comradery. You have the power to rebuild strong community’s wherever you live. So, there is hope for the future.

I see no hope for these delusional psychopaths to develop the future that they want for themselves. A future that doesn’t include us for the most part. Unless they have the capacity to alter the climate of this world into perfect summer conditions -- I don’t think that their plan has a chance of coming into fruition. Also, The Great Creator of The Universe will never stand down for this to transpire. All He would need to do is bring about a Solar Flare to selectively target their networks, their data hubs, their network in the sky’s, their towers, and none of their dream world will transpire. He wouldn’t even need to do that, because a few really bad winters of -- 30 with lots of snow and ice, and they will be crawling into their DUMB’s. While we will carry on surviving without them. Goodbye, big tech.

Just finished watching this documentary out of Europe. You will not be fighting alone, we the people of the world are rising up 🙋‍♀️ Don’t ever think you are standing alone.—Happen-Network:1

3 years ago

Together, we can move mountains. God’s Army loves America and loves each and every one of us.
There is nothing stronger, than light and unity.
Time is growing short, but we can do this.
Everybody, get on your walking boots, food supplies for a global journey and mounts of candles.
Grap neighbour after neighbour, in town after town, city after city and country after country FOR

Ace of Aces
Ace of Aces
3 years ago
Reply to  7thAngel

Now your thinking. Start with your neighbor… then your town… then your county… your state… Start small grow big…
Years ago, I read a historical book of a family who had migrated to California from Saskatchewan, Canada. The mother had been a baker in Europe, so when they settled in a home, she started baking bread for their neighbors. When WW2 broke out everyone pitched in to make sure that no one went without.

Remember the spirit, the wisdom and the strength of our ancestors.

Something of great concern to me is the food supply -- they are set on destroying it. I am certain that I am not the only one to have thought of this.

Ace of Aces
Ace of Aces
3 years ago
3 years ago

I don’t know about a Global Candle March … but certainly developing close links with your neighbors is going to be critical -- after having first ‘prepped’ to make sure you and your family are as self-sufficient as possible, for as long as possible [a year?] — which includes fully exercising your 2A rights while you still can: AR15, 2000 rounds, a dozen magazines.

How should these ‘close links’ be manifested? What should they be, besides just friendships and occasional outings to the local bar or bowling alley?

I believe we should organize ‘community preparedness groups’ or something similar — roughly based on what the ThreePercenters or Oathkeepers or Civilian Defense Force local groups (and most of the so-called ‘militia’ groups) do.

These groups should start preparing to deal as a group, with emergencies — including incursions by violent looters and rioters — where the appropriate government agency is unable to cope — or is led by people who don’t want it to cope, as we saw this last year.

This means, as a minimum, acquiring the skills that combat vets can teach; and, of almost equal importance, medical skills. Followed by the sort of communications, logistics, transportation, and engineering skills — and appropriate gear — which would be required in an extended emergency of any sort.

Obviously, here we’re talking about a group with several dozen members at least, and a command structure and a formal division of labor, with specialist sub-groups: the medics, the engineers, etc.

If this preparation is never needed, so much the better. Little money has been wasted, and the time involved will also have been time that allows you to bond with your neighbors, so it will not have been wasted at all. And any new skills required will be a bonus.

If anyone is interested in talking about this further, contact me at

Ace of Aces
Ace of Aces
3 years ago
Reply to  doug1943

When the fires that lit up Australia happened late 2019 -- 2020, I started paying attention to websites from Australia. Just a few unarmed men and women have made an impact across the nation and it has grown.
There is one video that Dave Oneegs did that really made me notice him -- it is no longer available -- I have it stored. An ordinary man who lived in an apartment building in Brisbane decided that he was going to awaken his neighborhood.
He knocked on doors inviting people to a local park, and distributed a flier into mail boxes. He got a few buddy’s together to set up fun and games for the people, speakers, and entertainment. The video I speak of was him pouring his heart out for anyone who was listening -- at the end he was actually tearing up. He didn’t know if anyone would show up… When that day came he was walking amongst the people elated that masses of people were coming -- they numbered in the thousands. One unarmed Man did this!
I am certain that a handful of American men can figure out how to deal with -- The Community Health Mandators and their mind controlled idiot goons -- who might show up to crash the party.🤷‍♀️ My father was 6’plus, his buddy’s were the same. If a group of government officials were to interfere with a peaceful family gathering of a 1,000 or more -- that they would be surrounded and asked to politely leave.
One of the best times I ever had was when a local rancher decided to convert a cow pasture into a golf course, and a horse shoe tournament. Later everyone laughed to exhaustion, later we enjoyed a barbeque, then we hung around a bomb fire until early morning. We slept in tents or campers and trickled home in the morning. It was a blast!! ✨🎆 A fireworks show would have been a nice finishing touch, but we didn’t need it.

If the following is true… then this is really good news. Like this blog -- it is a good blog -- but, I don’t always agree with her posts.

Ace of Aces
Ace of Aces
3 years ago
Reply to  doug1943

James Corbett has struck another bullseye 🎯 with his latest… LOL 🏆.. If you have ever wondered if the non-humans are amongst us…

Ace of Aces
Ace of Aces
3 years ago
Reply to  doug1943

If you have listened to the video links I shared mirroring the Australian -- Dave Oneegs -- and you heard him yell and scream profanities at his fellow Australians. If you knew anything of what the Australians have endured for decades from their government you would understand why. A decade ago, a senator stood up and exposed 28 pedophile suppression orders involving high ranking government officials, and to this day the police force has done nothing about it! We can learn a lot from the Australians, they are tough and they are now standing strong as an UNARMED people!
A library channel titled -- Truth Vault -- has kept and posted Dave’s most important videos. A very ordinary man has stood up and become a leader, and has inspired many to become the same. This is the video he posted the day before 1,000’s showed up for the picnic he had organized -- the man is unafraid to speak quietly and boldly from his heart. He greatly impressed me with this video. I know that Australia is going to overcome their oppressors, and he will go down in history as one of many who turned the tide.'VE-BEEN-DUPED-YOU-MUST-ACT-NOW--Patriot-Dave:3

Ace of Aces
Ace of Aces
3 years ago
Reply to  Ace of Aces

That above video was Australia more than 4 months ago -- this is Australia Now!
What do you think guys? Have faith in your fellow countrymen and women -- people will arise to the occasion -- in every country with strength and power, armed or not. Both of these women speaking out in this next video are lawyers. People are standing all over Europe… do you think these tyrants are scared… Oh Yeh…

Ace of Aces
Ace of Aces
3 years ago

Years ago, I read the works of Solzhenitsyn and was mortified! So, I went looking for a quote of wisdom from his work to share. Instead, I ended up listening to this Scotsman for the last few hours. I think he has something worth sharing:
Libertarian Views Scotty M > Holodomor—What Caused the Holodomor
He has awakened me to the fact that I am surrounded by a number of socialist thinkers -- talking to them about what is now happening is like banging one’s head against a brick wall. It boggles my mind that anyone can actually be for all of this.
There is one point he missed. When the people of the Ukraine/Russia were enduring the depths of communist totalitarian rule, government agents would show up at the farms to collect the produce. For example, if they were collecting eggs from an egg farmer, they would only allow that farmer one egg a day per family member to live on. So, these stupid Socialists, who had no comprehension that hens don’t lay eggs every day, would penalize the farmer if they only collected 40 eggs/per day from a farmer with 50 chickens. If the farmer couldn’t make up the shortfall over a week -- they would be beaten for theft, sent to a gulag, or shot.

3 years ago

Hello, Ace of Aces
Trying to talk and rationalize with a young(ish) person who has been indoctrinated for 12-18 years of public education currently in America is pointless. Public screwl is the wall bruising your head.
Students for the last couple of decades, at least, have been taught that any independent thinking is evil. That makes you, by default, to be evil and a purveyor of evil.
I believe this is where much of the raw hatred of President Trump and his supporters originates.
It’s not rational thinking, but it’s the only thinking they know, thanks to public screwl educators.

Ace of Aces
Ace of Aces
3 years ago
Reply to  Guido

Good Day, Guido. Agreed.
My landlord is a 50+ year old woman, who has retired from working in the Socialized Health System. Her daughter thinks the same way. I had a strong debate with her one evening on their patio, over whether or not it was wise to send children to school during such a time as this. She was adamant for it -- and I warned against it.
During the 1st week of her grand-daughter’s pre-school class, another little girl hung herself with a shoe string from a tree! My landlord was deeply disturbed as she told me about it. This is what she said, “I don’t know why an adult wasn’t supervising them,..” I looked at her and yelled subconsciously -- “Are the blinders falling off yet? Wake Up?”
These people are truly STUPID, her grand daughter is still in the same preschool class, wearing a mask, and socially distanced. One day, she could very well be subjected to quarantine should she test CV positive… worst case scenario the little girl ends up in the care of CPS, or vaccinated without the parent’s knowledge.
One thing I am also learning is that most Socialist are also Atheists.