🚨🚨🚨This is kind of a big deal, and no one in the media is talking about it! Harris/Walz both say Trump would use the military against his enemies within, yet she's using DoD Directive 5240.01, for the Pentagon to actually use lethal force to kill Americans on U.S. soil. Check… pic.twitter.com/JxiAkU6ncR
— Mike Engleman🇺🇲 (@RealHickory) October 25, 2024
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Another example of blame them for doing what you are doing
Existing, But Not Yet Proven Post-Election DemonicRat Schemes:
Plan A -- -- Cheat like Hell while declaring the Feckless GOP are trying to steal the election
Plan B -- -- use Lawfare in states where Trump wind to create unending chaos and disruption to include threats and assaults on state Trump Electors who will cast official votes for Trump in the “Electoral College” in December.
Plan C -- -- make max use of libtard media to push non-stop allegations of all manner of Trump supporters causing violence when it is in fact DemonicRat bought-and-paid-for Brown Shirts that are causing the crimes and violence.
Plan D -- -- sever strategic links in Red States to cause supply chain breaks and severe shortages plus high costs for Trumpian state dwellers to suffer under. Example: blow/destroy the Interstate 10 bridge over Mississippi at Memphis and I-55 bridge 100 miles North at Dyersburg Tenn. Remember the Baltimore Bridge brought down by vessel uncontrollably steered (ship’s computer steering hacked by Fed agency no doubt). Included are oil pipelines shut off which stops fuel from being sent to areas to under focus to be isolated.
Plan E -- -- Use BioWar virus of Bird Flu genetically engineered to attack humans: to be released in Red States. This allows for total lockdowns creating Quarantine Zones isolating Trump strongholds and cuts off supplies and economy as everything shuts down.
Plan F -- -- Promise instant citizenship to illegals who enlist in Army. Use them to enforce mandatory health quarantines of Bird Flu areas….meaning Trump strongholds. Shoot on sight any who dare to come out of the Quarantine Zone !!!
Plan G -- -- Mobilize state National Guard into federal service and order them to another state or nation, far away from their homes so that they cannot stop fed’s new illegals military from rampaging through their home state.
Plan H -- -- Take control of all radio and TV stations and cable/satellite channels so that only guvamint propaganda gets released. Most of time stations will be blacked out. This includes using The Internet Kill Switch…..
Plan I -- -- Do all of the above SIMULTANEOUSLY !!
Plan J thru Plan ZZZ -- -- Still being developed. You have to accept that the DemonicRats want you dead and do not care who gets in the way as they match toward their Communist Nirvana !!
Become the Grey Man and train, train, train and train son more…..better to sweat in training than bleed in war!
I’m with you. Suffer now or suffer later.
Political trust for me is measured in “relative distrust”…
The demonrats accuse others of the things they themselves are doing or will do. Harris distraction to insure when the election goes to her, the military has legal ability to kill those that protest it. Remember they call the protest at the Capitol an event worse than Pearl Harbor.
When it come time to execute them I will do so with orgasmic glee.