Civil War (Part 3) America – “A Marxist Nation” Causation
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John Toothman
John Toothman
4 years ago

I’m an ole guy to! My days may be numbered but I plan to spend my last days well!! If it’s defending my family and America so be it.

tom finley
tom finley
4 years ago

I as well I have more time behind me than ahead of me, thank you I agree we need to clean house, the commies will not give up power we have to take it.

gail jansen
gail jansen
4 years ago

I too am ‘elderly’, however I am not yet certain my days are numbered as Christ has his own life extension methods when needed,
All three of these video discussions have been honest and right. My quandary, however, revolves around my grand-parents who were rural, farmers in backwoods communities and yet they KNEW Truth and how to keep it. There is no evidence that any of their pastors were great. Nor is there evidence of significant influence from MSM because it didn’t much exist until post WWII. But they knew right from wrong They said that movies were of the devil They knew rebellion as a permanent state of being was evil (the Bible likening a rebellious spirit to witchcraft). Families did everything to keep marriages together, raise the kids within the family group, go to church, eat meals together, and so on.
So how is it that we who have the greatest access to knowledge in the world, have mindlessly traded our country, a country founded with a covenant with the Living God, for communism and never realized it until the trap was sprung? Yes. All the minor infiltrations happened while we were working, raising families, getting degrees, divorces and expanding our personal capitol. But we ignored the admonitions that came with our inheritance. Why? Or, as Lucifer first question, “Why not?”
This is why we (the soon to fade from earth memory) are culpable and obligated. This is the root of our repentance. Jesus can help us. If we don’t pass on any other Wisdom, we should tell the young ones: Jesus can help. We have to do our part, but Jesus can help.