
I remember attending one of Brock’s PATCONs years ago where John Ainsworth was speaking. A question was asked concerning how we could accept another injustice and I answered “because we want to believe”. We want to believe that everything will work out fine. The rule of law will prevail, evil will be defeated and we will once again be looked upon with favor by our Lord. Ten years later and I am ashamed of the depths of depravity and tyranny to which our people have succumbed.

Concerning the article with Ivan Raiklin, there were some comments which assumed my support or intentions. I was impressed by Mr. Raiklin’s demeanor and knowledge. I was also impressed by the plan outlined by him to arrest 350 individuals and bring them to justice. This was the best plan that I have seen which would accomplish our return to Liberty with a minimum of bloodshed. And yes I want to believe that this is a valid pathway to free our children. Which is why I posted the interview and titled it “Hope?” so that it would illicit comments and debate.

Many comments were negative and only had the intent to incite readers. I understand the following adage:

If it is too good to be true, it probably is

Based on the comments, it appears that skepticism defines the majority in our nation. Trust but verify is always a good model to follow. What happens when we do not verify because the people have accepted defeat? Or are being misled by traitors?

I will give Mr. Raiklin the benefit of my doubt and do further research. For those who automatically dismiss or belittle his plan, it is your right. But is it no our duty to fight evil? Even if it may only take some time for research? A cautionary warning: there are many people commenting everywhere who do not have the best interests of our people in mind.

David DeGerolamo

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9 months ago

Well Dave, I would have to state both is true. the majority Sheeple people are being misled by traitors in our own party as well as people do not verify even the simplest of things anymore, they just accept what they hear from Liars and Deceivers and that’s why they will all perish for lack of knowledge of God’s Word which leads men and women into not being or getting deceived. This is the sad state of our nation now and I see no change until the Lord returns. All we can do is make sure we are right with the Lord a well as our families.

Al Buckner
Al Buckner
9 months ago

No matter what I read, see or hear. I keep an open mind and research and then see if any is true.
I agree that 80 % of the world is skeptical. But can you blame them? After the truth of 9-11, Oklahoma Bombing, Ruby Ridge, Covid-19 and 2020 election.
I just trust in Psalms 23 and Psalms 91 and pray that all ends well.

William Sullivan
William Sullivan
9 months ago

David- We were at Brock’s last Patcon. There was a man who gave a lecture about radios. I lost his business card, and I think I will need some hands-on tutoring. Can you forward my email to him? Thanks.

9 months ago

….my point being that every single one of us “knows all the same info he knows” and every single one of us “knows the names of the hundreds of people he knows”….and we have ALL heard dozens of interwebs broadcasters make the same threats……SOooooooooo! they know we know…and we know they know we know……and they know that we know that they know that we……anyway……… is just talk until our JUSTICE DEPARTMENT takes over and keel hauls the whole damn bunch……

Steady Steve
Steady Steve
9 months ago

Sorry, but I believe that these 350 people and a lot more (about 1000 total) would need to be drug out into the street and shot in the head, publicly. The ” justice” system is far too corrupted to be reliable. Far too many in law enforcement see themselves as above the citizens they are supposed to serve. Qualified immunity, anyone? I see a bloody reckoning coming in this Fourth Turning and it’s approaching fast. Lord protect us and see us safely thru this to a country that honors and serves you.