
While most sentient Americans agree with this statement, how do we classify Socialism? Consider the following statistics on the road to Socialism:

Welfare Participation

Socialism is another term for the transference of our faith in God to the State. How is this accomplished? We see it every day as their attacks on God, morality, founding principles, fetuses and Capitalism continue unabated. How strong is our Faith in God and his natural laws? A good question to ask since our Liberty is quickly fading as we sit and watch.

David DeGerolamo

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5 years ago

The VA medical “system” (VAMC’s) are the fore runner of single payer medical care (socialized medicine) for all Americans. VA medical care is socialized medicine. 22 veterans commit suicide each day (later modified down by the VA), veterans die for lack of an appointment, veterans die while waiting for advanced care after appointments. My son, a Navy veteran had to wait 25 years until he was 55 years old to get a knee replacement from a service connected injury. VA medical care is the future of medical care for all Americans.

New Human New Earth
5 years ago

Earth to Trump: America Is ALREADY A Socialist Country

a follower
a follower
5 years ago

New Human New earth,
in hopes you are not believing everything you are consuming on these sites (New Human New Earth.)
i believe there is much deception there.

a follower
a follower
5 years ago

a few years back, was led to realize we are not “born free.” Or if we are this freedom is soon lost to the world. Freedom can again be returned by the Holy Spirit.