Clinton: Mass Murders ‘Beyond My Comprehension’

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Clinton Body Count-Clinton friends who’ve ended up dead-Truth! and Fiction!

This a list of people associated with Bill Clinton…all of whom have died, some of them under mysterious circumstances.

The Truth:

This has also become known as “Clinton’s Body Count.”  We’ll go through the entire list and evaluate each one, but it is true that some of them had some connection with Bill Clinton, or with someone who was in Clinton’s sphere, and that many of them died violently or by suicide.  That raises the question of whether their deaths were related and whether any of the deaths can be linked in any way to Bill Clinton.

There is no credible evidence that any of the deaths is related or can be attributed to Bill Clinton.  Some of the descriptions of the deaths are not accurate.

According to a May 5, 2000 article in the Arkansas Times, the “Body Count” list originated on an Internet site in 1994 run by an Indianapolis lawyer named Linda Thompson of the American Justice Federation.  It has been circulating ever since.  The list came up in sworn testimony that White House employee Linda Tripp gave to Judicial Watch chairman Larry Klayman in December, 1998.  Trip testified that a hand-written list of people who were involved with Clinton and who had suffered mysterious deaths ended up on her office chair in the White House.  This was just before the sex scandal between White House Intern Monica Lewinsky and President Clinton became known publicly.  Tripp said that the list was accompanied by a note that said, “Linda, just thought you’d find this of interest.”

One important comment.  There are many well-known historical events that are surrounded by unanswered questions.  A lack of answers to the questions doesn’t mean that the questions are meaningless or that new facts couldn’t be found.  It is easier to come up with questions, however, than to come up with answers, and if we are to come to any conclusions, it should be based on evidence, not just the fact that questions exist.

Unless otherwise specified, the information has been confirmed from multiple published sources such as USA Today, CNN, The Associated Press, or other general media.

Let’s go through the names one-by-one.  Please note that the Truth! or Fiction! designations refer only to whether the stories are factual and have nothing to do with any criminal connection to Bill Clinton.

eRumor  James McDougal – Clinton’s convicted Whitewater partner died of an apparent heart attack, while in solitary confinement. He was a key witness in Ken Starr’s investigation.

The Truth:

James McDougal died on Sunday, March 8, 1998 in John Petersmith Hospital in Ft. Worth, Texas.  He had been serving a federal prison sentence for fraud in connection with the Whitewater land deal.  At first, he claimed to be innocent, but after being convicted of 18 felony counts, he cooperated with Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr’s investigation of the Clintons.  He was scheduled to give damaging testimony against the Clintons, although critics of the investigation say his testimony had previously been inconsistent and that nothing new was expected to be revealed.  A prison spokesman said McDougal died of a heart attack and had been suffering from heart disease and blocked arteries.

eRumor  Mary Mahoney – A former White House intern was murdered July 1997 at a Starbucks Coffee Shop in Georgetown. The murder happened just after she was to go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House.

The Truth:

Mary Caitrin Mahoney was murdered over the July 4th weekend in 1997 at the Georgetown Starbucks near Washington D.C..  She was the assistant manager and, according to published reports, she and two other employees were working late at night after the coffee bar had closed.  All three were found shot to death.  No money was taken and there was no sign of forced entry.  In 1999, Carl Derick Cooper was charged with the murders, six armed robberies, and other shootings.   Mahoney had interned for the White House official responsible for contact with the Asian-American community. has not found any documentation that she was about to “go public with her story of sexual harassment in the White House” or that her death was anything beyond that of a murder associated with the robbery.  A report in The Washington Weekly explains that journalist Mike Isikoff had written that “a former White House staffer” with the initial “M” in her name was going to go public with a sexual harassment story and people speculated he meant Mary Mahoney and that was why she was killed.  Later, it turned out that he was referring to Monica Lewinsky.

eRumor  Vince Foster – Former white House councilor, and colleague of Hillary Clinton at Little Rock’s Rose Law firm. Died of a gunshot wound to the head, ruled a suicide.

The Truth:

 Vince Foster was Deputy White House Counsel and the Clinton’s lawyer.  He was found dead in Fort Marcy Park on July 20, 1993. Three investigations into Foster’s death, including one by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr, have concluded that the death was a suicide.  Critics of the investigations say Foster’s death does not fit the facts of a suicide and that there are a lot of unanswered questions about his death, some of the activities at the White House after his body was found, and the investigations themselves.  Although there are numerous theories about what may have happened to Foster and why, none of them has been proven.


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