I know closing our schools down is a poor solution. Our “government” would not allow it since they use education as a weapon to destroy our children and their future. What do our children receive? Not an education. Let’s face reality, children who graduated from the 8th grade in 1800s had better reading, mathematics and writing skills than today’s high school graduates. They knew the Constitution and had to pass a test based on its standard catechism. Here is the 8th grade test from 1895 in Salina, Kansas.
Why are we paying teacher unions to babysit and indoctrinate our children? The money spent to “educate” our children could be more wisely spent by using former military instructors (drill sergeants as an example) to teach our young. After 8th grade, they can enter the workforce as apprentices, enter trade schools for more technical training or continue in a college preparatory curriculum where a minimum 3.0 GPA would be required.
Imagine if our universities turned our graduates who could actually function and enhance our future with useful degrees. Imagine if our teachers produced students who could read, write and do math.
We received a request at the office from a large school district in North Carolina. They wanted a report for their eight largest auditoriums and their corresponding number of seats. Think illegal aliens and their children.
David DeGerolamo
As a 58 yo who prides himself in knowing mathematics, history, geography, and even remembers sentence structure and syntax, I was stumped by a lot of this. And, I doubt many of today’s college graduates could pass this test.
White kid, black teacher? YaKnow, thangs works differnt
Savages. just savages.
Yep. But, you must keep in mind the more they act like savages, the better the outcome for the rest of us. Let the Wakandans ravage the cities. In the long run, they will cut their own throats. Cities depend on shipments. When the truckers stop trucking, what will the Wakandans do? Plan accordingly. Bleib ubrig.
Ok, I took a look at the 8th grade test. To be honest, a good bit of it reminded me of the stuff we were taught in elementary school, but I’d be loath to pass said test. I will however counter that test with a few “test” questions from my own, more modern education and background”.
1) explain Ohm’s law?
2) if the apparent power is 1000 VA, and the power factor is 0.7 what’s the real power?
3) what’s the principle design feature of a Butterworth filter? Bonus explain time versus frequency domain.
4) what’s a Smith chart and how does one use it?
5) solve dy/dx + y^2 = 5x for y.
6) what is the Laplace transform?
7) explain the difference between Von-Neumann and Harvard architecture,
8) what is the Fortescue transform?
9) what is the Z transform and explain the meaning of z=e^hD aka the Rosetta Stone,
10) explain Kirchoff’s current law and what is mesh analysis.
Oh, we’ve interviewed LOTS of EE graduates and NONE of them could answer BASIC questions and over half of what I’ve posited is advanced. However, just because I can’t pass the 1800’s test, doesn’t mean I’m uneducated. I’ve been educated in math and science they couldn’t even comprehend, but perhaps in the X years of time allocated to education, I only have time for so much of A, B, or C. Which of these helps me do my job?
You highlight a big problem with our world at large.
Orwell had his finger on it with the ideas of INGSOC (English Socialism). And I suppose it is an offshoot of, or type of socialism.
The inversion happened when meritocracy became bad in our world.
I recall as a kid some 40 odd years ago (OK, maybe 35) when participation trophies came out. The concept is socialism, shared burden and all that. But the application of it, while attempting the bring the bottom up (make the losing team not feel like losers), the top was also brought down. Now whether that was accidental or deliberate we can debate, but regardless, success is no longer as special, and losing doesn’t sting quite as much.
It’s a perfect metaphor for our world. Too lazy to work? You’ll be fine, there’s welfare. Too stupid to learn? No Child left behind. The stupid kids with a little moxy are fed lies about their intelligence (see 1895 test above), sucked dry at $25k/year by an educational industrial complex, and flung into the world with zero job training skills but lots of feel good letters to put after their names to make them feel special. They’re ignorant, stupid, maleducated, and told they’re brilliant, special, and incredibly wise. Remember when graduates were looking forward to an opportunity to work their way up? Now they come out of high school expecting to be managers, college graduates immediately become CEO’s in their world. The world-view is completely distorted from that which the rest of us live under.
The taxpayers can stop thus behavior 1,2,3. But, they will do nothing because it’s easier to do nothing. When I was in school we had desks. We sat at our desks with hands folded. The men teachers wore suits and ties. The women teachers wore dresses below their knees with low heels. When the principal or another teacher came into our class, we all stood up and waited till we were told to sit down. Yes, this was in the 1950’s.
Look where we are today. “Consequence” must be taught early on in life as well as manners. But who has time for such anymore.
I never sat in any classroom so out of hand during my time in public education. I would have been literally too scared to go back to school if I had witnessed that.
Did anyone here have classroom activities like that???
Either starve or fight leviathan. There is no negotiation.
Did you know? I did not. Now I know.
In a 2017 poll taken by the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center, most Americans appeared ignorant of the fundamentals of the US Constitution. Thirty-seven percent could not name a single right protected by the First Amendment. Only one out of four Americans could name all three branches of government. One in three could not name any branch of government. In a 2018 survey conducted by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, almost 75 percent of those polled were not able to identify the thirteen original colonies. Over half had no idea whom the United States fought in World War II. Less than 25 percent knew why colonists had fought the Revolutionary War. Twelve percent thought Dwight D. Eisenhower commanded troops in the Civil War.
Victor David Hanson The Dying Citizen
We can all agree the state of Education has been in decline since LBJ’s Great Society. I used to read my Grandparents school text books from their Junior/Senior Year 1926-1929 and you could easily compare their instruction to today’s 3rd and 4th year college education in Science, Algebra, Writing, Biology and Philosophy. Latin and a Federalist interpretation of the Constitution were requirements as were the readings and analysis of Homer, Plato and others. Socialism and Communism were not mentioned but Capitalism in a Republic were. In 1959 Khrushchev and Andropov wrote a treatise pertaining to the Fall of America…they couldn’t outspend us but they could “re-educate” us through the NEA stating it would take 30-50 years and the US would collapse. Utilizing the mush minds of the “hippy” movement the Marxist have successfully destroyed our education system where Critical Thought is penalized and perversion in the form of Sexual Deviancy and Rebellion is promoted. Our Replacement Population will be trained in Basics or as Carlin said…the Powers want people just smart enough to run the machinery but not smart enough of critical thought…we’re almost there…the Russians have been successful folks…
We have a black problem, not a student problem.
Add the illegal Mexi-cants to that problem.
This sort of thing does not surprise or shock me at all. It is but another example of a nation mired in utter godlessness and sin.
The “child” that did this horrible thing knows nothing about right and wrong, because he was never taught right from wrong. His “parents” were probably never taught right from wrong either.
Who will teach the people in America right from wrong? Is it not the responsibility of the churches in America to preach the whole word of God to the people and teach them right from wrong? Why aren’t the leaders in the churches doing their God-commanded duty and teaching the people in the ways of God; his laws, his justice, his truth, his righteousness and his salvation?
Christian leaders, you have failed God and you have the people. Get up off your lazy, well-fed, powder-puffed, backsliding butts and start preaching the whole word of God again. Shout the saving gospel of our Lord Jesus from every pulpit in America! Call the people to repentance. Call them to turn from their sinful and wicked ways and to start living new lives in Christ Jesus. Do it now! I warn you: the Lord is watching!