CNN Doctor: “It Needs To Be Hard For People To Remain Unvaccinated”

CNN continued its wall to wall vaccine pushing coverage with yet another medical “expert” suggesting that in order to force more people to get vaccinated life should be made as difficult as possible for those who are still opting not to take the shots.

Dr. Leana Wen, who formerly headed Planned Parenthood, suggested that Americans should be banned from engaging in social events and forced to undergo PCR tests twice a week if they want to stay unvaccinated.

“It needs to be hard for people to remain unvaccinated,” Wen stated, lamenting “Right now, it’s kind of the opposite.”

“But at some point these mandates, by workplaces, by schools, I think it will be important to say, ‘Hey, you can opt out, but if you want to opt out, you have to sign these forms, you have to get twice-weekly testing,’” Wen emphasised.

Read the Whole Article Here…

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Pistol Pete
Pistol Pete
3 years ago

I don’t have to -- anything.

Green Hornet
Green Hornet
3 years ago

I have made it a point not to take(health) advice from someone who slaughters infants in the womb.

3 years ago

The corner is clearly identified…the push toward it is full on. How far until someone acts or acquiesces? Satan’s work is in overdrive now- time is short.

3 years ago

Non-Violent Non-Compliance is soon to come to an End… and none to soon.
The (((bolsheviks))) are so Desperate for (un)Civil War, one has to wonder just what they want THAT as a ‘cover’ for.

Most Rev. Gregori
3 years ago

I don’t care how hard they make to remain unvaccinated or what demands they put in place, I WILL NOT COMPLY! No idiot leftist or anyone else is going to intimidate me, or make me relinquish my rights and freedoms. The entire Biden administration and all of their butt kissing lackeys can go do a physical impossibility on themselves.

Elder Son
Elder Son
3 years ago

So, I have been doing a project. Going through my blog to grab every single Corona-Cooties link I ever posted, and put it all in one place on one page. This is going to take me forever. Anyhow, some links I ran across from back in April 2020:
All The Links I Have Ever Posted On The COVID-Scam
BTW, did you know…
Iceland scientists found 40 mutations of the coronavirus, report says
6 new coronaviruses discovered in bats
“We found evidence for, in total, from all the sampling we did in China, about 400 new strains of coronaviruses.”
The more I dig into my old Corona-Cooties posts…
Oops! Wait! Coronavirus has mutated into at least 30 different strains new study finds
No! Wait! Covid-19 mutations underestimated, Chinese scientists warn, as they discover new DEADLIER virus strains
Corona-Cooties here, Corona-Cooties there, Corona-Cooties Everywhere!
And some people wonder why and how I know this whole Corona-Cooties is nothing more than one giant skull-Puck.