(CNN)It is time to impose vaccine mandates and passports. The Covid-19 vaccines continue to perform extraordinarily well, but the rate of infection is worsening in unvaccinated populations. The Delta variant is offering a sobering reminder that the pandemic has faded in much of the country but certainly not ended.Both political parties have made the mistake of framing vaccines within the tradition of individualism. Even President Joe Biden, who has demonstrated his comfort with a muscular role for government, keeps appealing to individuals to make the right and patriotic choice when it comes to receiving their jabs.Governors are imploring residents of their states to vaccinate soon. For many, the goal has been to keep making it as easy as possible for persons to have quick access without being too overtly pushy. Incentives, from multimillion-dollar lotteries to baseball tickets to a shot and a beer, have all been thrown in as part of the package. The message has been that the government will keep making vaccines as easy, accessible and attractive as possible.It’s not enough. Easy, accessible and attractive are important; nobody should face barriers toward receiving vaccines. But citizens must also not see this as an optional inoculation.Biden and other political leaders need to start thinking about the good of the collective and not just the rights of the individual. Doing so is not some sort of move toward socialism, as conservative critics inevitably argue. Thinking of the common good is as American as apple pie.
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guess that means it’s time to start executing CNN execs. They threaten our lives, we threaten theirs.
Funny how that works.
Except we’re not in a position to credibly threaten anybody in power. Funny how that happened.
sure they have the “big machine” on their side …
we’re either gonna fight or we’re not.
this is not going to be fought and won “legally”. Time for people to get over that notion.
exactly. Time to become the domestic terrorist they’ve been accusing us of being for the past so many years.
Amen to that. Been ready. Born ready. Let’s do this.
“Except we’re not in a position to credibly threaten anybody in power.”
Oh, Really? Tell Me Why the ‘government’ and Everyone in it, and the (((bolsheviks)) are so DESPERATE to ‘Ban Guns’.
Don’t know why you would say that a single person can accomplish allot if they are prepared and willing
Personally I would not take the vaccine, IF it was proven 100% safe. As a free man,created in the image of God,AND whose life,liberty,AND Freedom come from God and not the Satanic pedophile government. I have the God given right to decide what goes into my body. And the only thing I want in my body,is God’s Holy spirit.
who gives a damn if it were ACTUALLY proven 100% safe (not gonna happen).
NO is the answer period. If facing syringe, they face rifle and exiting lead & copper. Simple as that.
You’re either going to actually do it or not.
If a woman who has rights to her body can choose to abort a life,
We can sure refuse a vaccine.
We haven’t answered a doorbell in years. Anymore than we respond to spam. Not about now. Do not answer or open your door.
CNN didn’t know U were a expert in the constitution your authority over me doesn’t apply and you and the commander in thief can try to force me but its not going to happen freely -- Gods and Jesus’s authority are the only thing I accept — and my favorite investment is in lead
Let me get this straight: you’re advising us to remain in defensive mode when they are trying to kill us with a vaccine and gun grabbing. Don’t bullshit us. Defense won’t get the job done. We go on offense after any mandate. That will officially signal SHTF. Violence of action, hit and run, surgical targeting, night recon and engagement—that gets the job done. Let that sink in.
exactly Chaos Inc.
Too many on here who are in the know and STILL living in fantasy land.
What kind of individual would take on such a task as to go door-to-door on a mission to enforce/mandate an experimental vaccine that isn’t really a vaccine? Is there enough money and stupidity to successfully fuel such an illicit evil endeavor? This isn’t a job, it’s suicide.
Zersetzung, which translates to “decomposition, corrosion, undermining, biodegradation or dissolution” was a psychological technique used by the Stasi, which was the East German secret police. These techniques were used to silence political opponents. Up to 10,000 people are estimated to be victims, and at least half had irreversible damage.
Zersetzung operations were designed to intimidate and destabilize opponents. This was achieved by psychological methods like socially alienating a victim, subjecting them to repeated disappointment, and disrupting their relationships with others. The goal was to destroy a person’s self-confidence and self-esteem.
Every operation needed to be done in a uniform, supervised manner, and the results had to be documented. It wasn’t until the 1970s when it was defined in terms of a “scientific method.” Other methods of zersetzung included espionage, opening letters and listening to phone calls, trespassing on private property in a threatening manner, manipulation vehicles, poisoning food and using “false medications.”
Mere men changing sequences in the Human genome, or the language of the Creation, is diabolically resonant to religion changing the language, or genome of the Logos and truth of God.
Gen3:4-5 And the serpent said unto the woman, “Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as god(‘)s, knowing good and evil.”
Satan merely deleted the possessive apostrophe. Who’s your Daddy..