Cogitating about an Old Quote

I can understand the logic behind the above quote but does this apply to us today? How about this quote:

The society that separates it politicians from its people will have its thinking manipulated by propaganda and its fighting by cowards.

As an example of the first assertion, our news outlets are nothing more than political mouthpieces spewing the dictates of the political elite; the truth is what they tell us it is. The icing on the cake is the new Ministry of Truth to ensure that any dissent is quickly suppressed.

An example of the second assertion is the cowardice shown by the police and sheriff’s department in Texas as children and teachers were slaughtered.

There are other examples for both assertions which I encourage you to add in the comments. However, the point is that Liberty will never be regained until our critical thinking skills are restored and our courage to fight evil is our paramount goal.

David DeGerolamo

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Edgar Hopkins
Edgar Hopkins
2 years ago

truth !!!!!!!!

2 years ago

That’s why Alexander the Great was taught by Aristotle. Philip II was a good father in that respect.

2 years ago

It’s Disgraceful, Before I retired almost a decade ago at least 25% of the Officers were scared to do their Job. I’ve just been hired be a School Safety Guard at a local Charter School. I would rather die than let anyone at my School get Shot. It used to be a common attitude among men.