I went out yesterday into what is left of the real world. Here are some observations:
- Help wanted signs are everywhere. No one wants (or needs) to work because of COVID helicopter money.
- The plumbing company which was to finish the rough-in of my house in three weeks sent me an email stating that they would not be able to complete their contract due to lack of employees. I went in person to discuss this and was told that they are down to one plumber. They cannot even get manual laborers to assist the plumber.
- The cost of gas, food and construction materials continue to rise.
I previously wrote that 2/3 of small businesses closed last year because “COVID”. The Burger King here had to close last week for a short time due to no employees showing up to work. Another restaurant advertised for kitchen help and wait staff – two weeks later and not one application was submitted. These are not isolated incidents and I am confident that you are hearing/seeing the same in your areas.
On the flip side of the “COVID” coin, employees are holding their employers hostage. They want more money and have a dwindling work ethic. Sonic is offering $17/hr for employees and McDonalds is offering a $500 signing bonus. It does not take a genius (or politician) to see the writing on the wall.
For those sapient individuals who prepared for this collapse, civil war and great reset to the new world order, I commend your foresight and wish you well.
David DeGerolamo
I know a lot of people that literally don’t know how to function in society enough to apply and the show up for a job. They’ve been cuddled and set in front of a brain numbing television since birth. Then we know there are generations of people that just never ever ever hold a job. Some of my own kin. It’s across the spectrum of races and wealth classes.
Yep everything is converging at an exponential rate to the point that the last 8 years look very likely to commence by this fall:
Could be. Bookmarked this…I have my own eschatological thoughts but not afraid of others and welcome consideration that I be reproved if need be with the guidance of the HS. Thanks brother.
YW Bro! Please feel free to email me as I always look forward to any conjecture in our Father’s Word! :o)
Thanks Rob, Don’t forget the torahcalendar.com or the book of truth promised to be open for these times at Daniel11…
YW! Thanks for the link! I will check it out! :o)
The New Testament is this book of truth,open to all willing to pursue it.
A plumber takes more money from unemployment and stimulus than from his employer?
No wayy..not as much as a plumber salary! BUT tax free and they probably are still working for friends getting paid under table or something.
It is sad, but i know people who were able to start LLC..Close it next day and file for unemployment right away. 300 per week 😡
My family’s restaurant also having hard time finding help. This is the new Biden America…”Free everything for these poor innocent people, so hopefully they don’t mob up and hang me” smh SORRY SOB!
Well, I hope you all tell them to suck it and don’t pay any of those taxes… it’s going to 3 letter agencies who want to make us into criminals anyway. Watch how many refuse to pat! Lol
This started under Biden like Waco started under Clinton. The storyline don’t work, but plenty of people will burn anyway.
Stop requiring your help to wear those useless and silly masks. Maybe then you can find someone to do the work.
Lets get real, our economy will be severely damaged, out kids are being cheated of an education. Our law enforcement warriors are being destroyed, our rights are being destroyed as well. The regime is allowing criminals to run amuck without any accountable, They are trying to make traditional Americans sitting unarmed ducks. They’ve reduced our human interaction and severely damaged our freedom of speech and ability to learn what is really going on. There’s NO transparency. They’re encouraging a civil war war of huge proportions. They want open global voting for America. Healthcare is, I think, greatly diminished and twice as expensive. Inflation is here and will get worse. We’ve been on house arrest. Masks are more dangerous than COVID19. The regime sits by and watches as America is being burned down. Now they want to pack the court, and if we slack off at all they will. The list of offenses against America and Americans is huge. We have been watching it happen and doing little of anything to stop this takeover. Racism is alive and well and against anything traditional and or White. Very bad. We need help and pray it comes from God but in the meantime, we are accountable.
I: watch a new businesss on the way to town in B/ville. They do outside home repairs and improvements, i.e. bulkheads, docks, rock work, patios, landscaping, etc. He had expanded to about six trucks before covid. But most of the trucks now stay parked in the yard. He offers an $800 sign on bonus for new emplyees
This is a prime example of the small business (engine) that drives the economy and that our puppet in the people’s house is putting out of business.
I started to prepare after the 2008 market crash, the Obammy Presidency was a disaster and I had hoped to have another 4 years to prepare with Trump as President but it seems that stealing the election and installing President Vegetable is the sign that the end is here. I’m just stacking and watching, trying to figure if we go out in a blinding flash, a great depression, Tribulation or a CW. Pray.
Bingo. That was also the best time to buy noisemakers.
That was a bomb drop. Not a mic drop.
It seems they have won, because we have not fought…but in the end, as far as I am concerned, this is all ORDAINED. When the rest of us get hungry, maybe then we’ll coordinate, but our organization is non-existent while theirs is well-funded and sacrificial- not to mention amoral or anti-values. That gives them a tremendous advantage.
Our Lord will come and right things for us-- us who belong to Him, His redeemed.
Until then…arm-chair generals do not have my ear, lest they organize and rise…put up or shut up, so to speak. I’ll be working within my clan in the meantime.
DNI has a new intel report projecting the biggest issues we will be facing. In other words, the deep state’s covert plans are out there, if we want to use them to plan.
The report is worth reading through, if for no other reason than to validate what we know and see: “catastrophic shocks worldwide due to tech and disease.” The report also says issues will ‘intersect and cascade’ — well, DUH. This is obvious to those of us who have been paying close attention, preparing for what keeps being slung at us. (But take that ‘vaccine,’ dumbass.)
Report is here: https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/GlobalTrends_2040.pdf
We will not recognize America at the end of 2021. Stay far away from cities. Get as liquid as water. Get more food. Be better trained. Be ready in body, mind, soul.
Any time I venture out into bizarro world I first look up. Are there any white streaks across the sky? Geoengineering, weather control, weather warfare has been going on for decades. It is the crown jewel of the military industrial complex. There is alot of talk about “starting” to spray to negate the sun’s rays. Fooled ya! Little do people know that they’ve been doing it for decades. The earth’s life support systems are eradicating. The elite are telling us that we are the problem. Just stop driving, eating meat, etc. Sociopaths will try to make you think that you are the problem. Covid makes it very difficult to talk to people about it. They are worn out with bad news. Best site I know is geoengineeringwatch.org with Dane Wigington. If I can be of any help, stansylvester59@aol.com.
I started doing these things 12 years ago, because even back then we knew something was coming, because of WHAT THEY WERE DOING could not be continued without a collapse.
As for Nuclear weapons, I don’t believe the big ones will be used, but Tactical Nucs of less than one kiloton will be used for surgical strikes, and from what I saw were actually used in one or more of the gulf wars. Normal bombs do not leave an obvious nuclear mushroom cloud which was photographed a few years back.
denvercolorado i should have bought a RV long ago..
Indicator: People with their head in the sand, or fingers in their ears so they can’t hear. We’re there. When the mass arrests and murders begin by the leftards, you’ll know it’s time to go to your locker. Ashli Babbitt was just a little test for them. They know they can proceed. But they know not what they do.
I spoke to a local public works employee about how things were going i the hiring department, he said they had a hard time finding qualified candidates, having started out my work life in a public works department I asked what the qualifications were, figuring that maybe they required specific licenses or experience.
He said that the young people coming in didn’t know the basics, they couldn’t use basic tools didn’t know what the difference was between a Phillips screwdriver and a standard one.
Totally unprepared for the workforce
retired postal worker denver colorado worked maintence is true i pushed military first ..some did know needle nose plyers from scewdriver..sham..i couldnt work with them myself
‘Work Ethic’ today is an oxymoron
Today they Teach “Woke Ethic” -- what’s Work, where’s my Stimmy? Our children & grand children have NO future & that’s Bullshit.
ball headed monster nazi is what he is, he looks and speaks lie one as well as him being a pervert, to hell is where he is going along with all the other demons who are with him
ok i will comment
Klaus Schwab…listen you sawed off punk
You better hope you never meet me…you catch my drift, you better
and about your NWO it is over, even before it is fully put into place
DOA dead on arrival WE WIN in the END..which is not far away
you punks lose BIG and will suffer forever more DO YOU HEAR ME
and not only will we own WE WILL OWN IT ALL
and you will own the flames of your torment
sorry there badger but “we” don’t own a thing. Jesus Christ owns it ALL, lock, stock and barrel. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ! Yeshua Ha Meshiach
bill does not understand untill he is concentration camp blacknamvet denver colorado ohyeah i am a follow christ first black 2nd
Why does Klaus and his ilk want to own it then? Surely, it’s not to make YOU happy.
A plumber quitting and going on gov’mint money. Not a friggan chance! I work the hvac trade and you can make what you want. I’d say the company you’re contracting, CRAPS all over their people and have a bad rep. Get another contractor.
The irony of it is… I’m nowhere near as prepped as I want to be, but I’m doing my best. And yet, I am better prepared than, probably, 80-90 percent of Americans.
You should see all the empty storefronts in NYC. The collapse is coming SOON, so stock up on food and water.
Please visit: http://www.deepcapture.com and read the first chapters in Patrick Byrne’s book: “The Deep Rig”. Then, contact your Washington politicians to have Byrne, General Flynn and Sidney Powell prove the election fraud and install the legitimate winner as president.