Collectivism means force, no matter which way you slice it

The Venezuelan people marched through the streets of Caracas this last weekend, banging empty pots, in what is called the “empty pots march,” because the country is running out of food. The march, accompanied by many violent protests over the last month, are a symptom of the socialist regime lead by President Nicolás Maduro.

What should we call this amazing social blight?

The Cato Institute’s Daniel Mitchell rehearses all the names: statism, liberalism, socialism, fascism.

I have a list of my own:

  1. Socialism: nationalization of the means of production.
  2. Communism: socialism plus death camps.
  3. Racism: government by and for “our kind.”
  4. Fascism: racism plus death camps.
  5. Corporatism: conspiracy of big business and big government.
  6. Liberalism: conspiracy of best and brightest and big government.
  7. Progressivism: liberals in the 1 percent that think they are the 99 percent.
  8. Obamacare: liberalism plus death panels.

What is the point of boiling down names of left-leaning movements?


h/t John P

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10 years ago

Where’s the video and still shots of socialist Venezuela and Chavez’s (may he not rest in peace) staunchest supporter Sean Penn in that country helping these sole mates? Where are all the libtard Hollywood socialists with their redistributive cash helping out these people they so love?
One would think by the way they hawk redistributive wealth schemes that they would be spending their last dime on sea containers full toilet paper and food to aide these comrades. But alas, the hypocrisy engulfs these idiots for there is not a positive photo op to be had there and their ideology is being shown for what it truly is.
Train wrecks like this are avoided by these cretins but hey, let’s jump onto the next feel good do nothing socialist event bandwagon.: there may be some good free publicity and a great photo shoot to be had.
Sadly, I am speaking to the choir. Sadly people are suffering due to action of people like Sean Penn.