College Debate Team Argues Whites Should Die

“Black students advocate white genocide at Harvard,” the title to a YouTube video posted by “All Lives Matter” claims. The debate, which was supposed to be about renewable energy, occurred at Harvard University, viewers are told.  Those advocating whites kill themselves or otherwise die are identified as Damiyr Davis and Miguel Feliciano, from the University of West Georgia.

While the white debaters asked why they couldn’t just “struggle against the structure,” whatever that means, instead of telling the racists to get bent and walking out, it’s difficult not to wonder how such conduct is even allowed, especially in light of campus “hate speech” rules and “safe spaces” for everyone (at least as long as they belong to a “Progressive”-approved race, gender, sexual category, and political affiliation). Indeed, if a student is “not of the body,” he can expect to be ostracized and forbidden from being part of the discussion. Bearing in mind that for “progressives,” every day is Opposite Day, this is what they mean by tolerance and diversity.

Who thinks white students would be allowed to ask blacks to justify their right to live without being expelled at a minimum?

Some interesting contradictions are presented here. It’s tough to sympathize with people claiming to be “underprivileged” when they’re representing even a modest college like UWG, where the annual tuition significantly exceeds per capita income for most of the world’s population.  Add to that The Harvard Crimson presenting arguments that “hate speech policies are necessary,” while complaining “Our nation is obsessed with the concept of freedom.”


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Tom Angle
8 years ago

I would invite them to my home and act out their world. I would gladly give them the fight they seem to be looking for. As far as the chicken poo whites there, my dad would have slapped me silly for taking those threats without a fight.

8 years ago
Reply to  Tom Angle

What would we expect from some negro Born RACIST Schmuck, If this ignorant plantation Negro and all his black ilk wants to kill whitey then I would welcome him to my home along with his brothers in the Hood, and we will show them ITALIAN style what we we do to scum such as themselves. these are hoodlum Negroes sent to school for FREE on our tax dollars. The democratic ORC/Goblin party along with the lunatic RINO party has been funding this Crap far to long now, these Negroes really belong picking cotton and crops again.