Come Out of Her, My People …

The United States plays ‘god’ …

Economic collapse coming to the United States …

Murder in the name of the United States …

Wealth illusion in the United States …

The United States – a ‘police state’…

Imperial lawlessness in the name of the United States …

Globalizing torture, in the name of the United States …

The United States – land of the free … Yeah, right

The last best hope we have for protecting our loved ones while still doing so peacefully is to simply stop supporting ‘the system’. Stop spending what little money we have left with the big corporations – buy local, buy from mom and pop. Stop supporting industrial medicine – seek out natural, homeopathic, and nutritional remedies. Stop supporting big pharma – NO MORE PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS! Stop supporting big agra – buy from local farmers and know how it’s grown. Stop supporting big government – ignore (stop voting for) the Federal government. Get actively involved at the local level.

In short, ‘come out of her, my people’. Anyone with ears to hear and eyes to see knows the destruction being wrought by the powers that have occupied our once great nation. It is time to come out of the evil empire. It is time to say, ‘ENOUGH’!

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12 years ago

Resistance on all levels. From the smallest item to the largest, by enough people will eventually have an impact

12 years ago

Come out of “HER”. Working on it. Tough to do when it surounds you. Ever see the Walmartian pictures? There are so many people that either don’t care or have no clue. Look at the statistics about if the country is better or worse. Some / most people are just concerned about their Gov checks, mortgaged houses, social media fce book and texting.
Wrong time of the year to buy local produce. We didn’t get to this point over night so it will take dedication daily and to remember that you have to do it and follow through daily. It’s a life change. There are places that the government won’t let people grow gardens. Wait untill the tax man goes to the farmers markets and asks for their AG permit to sell and tax stamp. The police will have to enforce it. This whole place is stupid.
This country needs to go back to laws that were in place 5 -- 10 -- 15 -- or more years. The laws that keep get written are stupid and big business and bank driven. Kick out all the bastards and elect new people that don’t have the years in politics that some of these bastards have.
Come out -- get out. kick them out. We know down inside it will never happen. Babalon is fallen, fallen, that great harlot. It’s over only some people think it’s still going to come back LOL