Come to DC, they said … It’ll be fun, they said …

“This will be a safe and peaceful event !”

I cannot trust the sanity of those who ask me to travel unarmed to Mordor.

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2 years ago

Anyone earnestly desiring to protest the J6 criminality and/or support the political prisoners in the DC jail is savvy enough to realize that any such effort would quickly be perceived to be a bait-job of the deep state and would decide against such a course. Which leaves the only logical-and most likely-conclusion that such a rally is indeed another bait-job by the deep state to capture more prisoners, have something “fun” to spin in the media, and possibly incite CWII (to coincide with a ramping up of ww3). Short of coma, chloroform or cloning, I personally have no plans to be there. And, with everything Coey has been through, I seriously doubt that he would ever set foot in the district of criminals ever again either.

J Rich
J Rich
2 years ago

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me!!
On another note, I watched a video recently (I wish I could remember who it was by) saying that something big was going to go down on 9/24…..could this be it?? Another false flag event to attempt to round up more MAGA supporters?? I guess we’ll know in a few days. I for one will be no where close to the SWAMP but will be gearing up (if you know what I mean) in the event that this is a SHTF moment!

Found the video:

J Rich
J Rich
2 years ago
Reply to  J Rich

I found the video:

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago

I am in Arizona, the sodomite goons antifa and blm under the direction of the fbi will definitely be their. Intel will be done by the cia, you will have to be at their mercy and un-armed. If you do go, don’t bring your children, their goon army’s are full of PEDOS.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

Tom, look up Fondomonte. It’s a Saudi owned company that produces alfalfa….for Saudi Arabia. They get the water from the Phoenix aquifer at rock bottom rates. Water is the new great commodity being bought up by the produces of the last great commodity, oil.

tom finley
tom finley
2 years ago
Reply to  Stan Sylvester

Yes Stan, we just had a meeting about that same thing, they are stealing our water, courtesy Az water district.

Stan Sylvester
Stan Sylvester
2 years ago
Reply to  tom finley

The Saudis must enjoy taking the water. After all, they’ve had to listen to the baloney about the “missing” 28 pages of the 9/11 report. This supposedly shows Saudi involvement. Yet another scapegoat to hide the real perpetrators still unknown to most Americans.

2 years ago

I bet you could see the fed glow from space

2 years ago

The only thing that should visit DC is a mighty wind that rids it if all the locusts.

2 years ago

I advised some folks not to go to Jan 6th and some of them are still in prison. Why anyone in their right mind would do this makes no sense at all. I too saw the video of the German Parliament member yapping about 9/24 but I don’t think a few suckers going to the FBI rally would make that big of an impact globally -- unless there’s a false flag operation with a WMD that will be blamed on said “Patriots”…

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
2 years ago
Reply to  Herk

9/24 will be a world-shaking event by the almighty, not by man. If it happens. No one knows the mind of God. Hell, we can’t even fathom the mind of joe Biden.

2 years ago
Reply to  Arch Stanton

Hard to figure out ol Sniffy McPoopypants brain mainly because it ain’t all there

2 years ago
Reply to  Arch Stanton

When did Brandon get a mind?