Coming Soon

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tom finley
tom finley
11 months ago

A lot more fact than fiction, our cowardice has brought us to this, I know me first, well you never know.

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
11 months ago

Well I see this as a means to destroy the USA, But I also think it will backfire! All these invaders have to eat, poop,drink, and as this process takes place the system will become weaker and weaker. These invaders will get hungry, angry and turn on the traitors. Then mad max will set in. The Strong and brave,God fearing will prevale. That is if the almighty does not destroy us for being the most pathetic humans to set foot on the planet since the Flood!

11 months ago
Reply to  Irod Folsom

One can hope it will “backfire” Irod, but hopes not a plan. Also, you fail to mention that We the People will be FIRST on the invaders list of targets before they go after the “Traitors”.

Weapons doesn’t a warrior make. If so, I know literally dozens of Rambo’s just quivering with delight at the rush of bloody combat.

So far only range time (maybe) and keyboarding, while outrage follows outrage.

The Strong and the Brave (Or SAVAGE) will prevail, THAT’s HISTORY over and over. Plenty of real life gangbangers and hard-core thugs are invading us daily. No evidence of OUR Resistance aside from massive tinvoot keyboarding do I notice.

But carry on. Meanwhile I work with my trustworthy neighbors and trusted friends to deal with the chaos.

Pray for wisdom

Irod Folsom
Irod Folsom
11 months ago
Reply to  Michael


tom finley
tom finley
11 months ago
Reply to  Irod Folsom Not that long a read Irod, this is who we are going to be dealing with, it will be more than we can handle to protect your trusted friends and family, TINVOWOOT.